Project Steering Committee - Home
Meeting Info ¶
The eighth meeting of the MapGuide PSC will take place Thursday March 8th at 18:00 UTC (1:00 PM EST / 11:00 AM MST / 10:00 AM PST).
Meeting Chair: Bob Bray Universal Time:
Location: The meeting will be held on IRC at #mapguide
Agenda ¶
- Google Summer of Code
- Doxygen changes (where is the current config file, anyway?)
- Status report for OSGeo newsletter:
- Are we interested in BuildBot?
Actions ¶
- Project mentors to add google accounts here:
- Need to add project ideas (and mentors) for Swig enhancements (Java), SOAP/REST/etc interface, JSON support here as soon as possible (within 24 hours):
- Jason to figure out documentation stuff
- Everyone to help out with OSGeo newsletter blurb
- Jason to contact Mateusz about BuildBot.
Transcript ¶
<rbray> Looks like I am late. Are we ready to start? <jasonbirch> Sure. <rbray> You added lots of stuff. Shall we start with Goc? <jasonbirch> Complaining? Sounds good. <rbray> All mentors need a Google account. Can we just add that info onto the wiki? <rbray> Do we have all the projects we want listed? <--| TylerM has left #mapguide <jasonbirch> Add it here: <sigq> Title: 2007 Google SoC Application - OSGEO (at <jasonbirch> I'd love to see more stuff done (especially the JSON output from MapAgent, and Java SWIG changes) but can't step up for those. <rbray> I'd like to add one project for adding Web Services APIs (SOAP/REST/etc) to MG <rbray> We can get someone here to mentor the JSON output and/or Java SWIG enhancements. <rbray> I think. <jasonbirch> lol <jasonbirch> overcommiting? :) <rbray> Only if we get students on all of them :) <jasonbirch> That should be REST/SOAP/etc... SOAP is painful and overkill, and I'm tired of having it crammed down my throat by "enterprise" apps :) <jasonbirch> How do you see these working? Just for the MapAgent stuff? <jasonbirch> Or as a generic framework for application development? <rbray> Could be either. I'd like a more general approach to expose all the Service APIs to start. Then we can add to that. <jasonbirch> Sounds great to me. <jasonbirch> JSON could be added as an output type to those? <rbray> That would make sense to me. Especially if it's REST based. <rbray> My main goal would be to get a framework in place that we could later extend though. Something we can start experimenting with. <jasonbirch> Sounds good to me. <Haris> perhaps xml-rpc is something to consider to <jasonbirch> And updating MapGuide through blog posts :) <jasonbirch> I've added some actions around SoC here: These are pretty time-sensitive. <sigq> Title: PscMeeting03-08-2007 - MapGuide Open Source - Trac (at -->| zjames (n=zjames@ has joined #mapguide <jasonbirch> everyone OK? <rbray> Sorry, I got interupted by the phone. Back now. <bdechant> Yup still here <jasonbirch> afk. lucky you didn't get sniped :) <rbray> Can everyone please update the GoC page by? Whats the required timeline, anyone know? <rbray> Haris: XML-RPC is a good option too. Lighter than SOAP... <rbray> Harris: so I'll add it to my project description as an option. <jasonbirch> real soon now. <Haris> yes much easier to start with <rbray> Let's say end of the week for the page to be complete, with google ids for all mentors. Sound ok? <jasonbirch> Haris, Paul, can you add a few more words to your descriptions? Assume the students don't know much about MapGuide <Haris> ok, I will do that <rbray> Jason: Paul is the absent PSC member today. <jasonbirch> March 12 is the application deadline. If we can do it be end of day today, it would be better. Not sure how possible that is. <jasonbirch> Hmm. Must be working on my stuff :) <rbray> I can add my Web Service on today. <rbray> Maybe he is helping with that FGS installer :) <jasonbirch> Better not be... :) <jasonbirch> I'll flesh out the Swig one. Not sure what to say about JSON. Can you incorporate it in WS? <rbray> Ok, let's try and get the updates done today. Jason can you send a reminder on the PSC list after the meeting? <jasonbirch> Sure <rbray> Jason: Yes I can do that. Trevor Wekel would be the mentor on Java/SWIG. <jasonbirch> Can you ask him to send me his google account? <jasonbirch> Or just enter it into the OSGeo application? <rbray> Have all of our projects been copied into the application? <jasonbirch> Not yet. <jasonbirch> Linked currently. <rbray> OK good. I'll ask him to send you his id or update the page. <rbray> Ok, anything else on GoC before we move on? <Haris> Jason, Is tommorow morning (CET time ) to late ? <jasonbirch> No Haris, I'm sure it's fine. <rbray> Ok, next topic: Doxygen. <jasonbirch> I think that's mine :) <jasonbirch> I'd really like to see a couple things: generation of the PHP search script that is an option, and including inherited methods/properties in the class defintions. <jasonbirch> I could play around with this myself, but would like the existing conf file to start with... <rbray> Inherited methods are there. Just click the All Methods link. <rbray> I'll ask pubs to commit the config file. I did not realize it was not part of the repository. <jasonbirch> ? where's the All Methods link? <rbray> In each class page. <jasonbirch> Oh found it I think. All Members. I find the system odd. It seems like there are two pages for each class or something. <rbray> Yea, there may be a cleaner way by tweaking the config file. I don't know much about it. <rbray> Search enabling is pretty easy. <jasonbirch> Looks that way. <rbray> Frank would like us to cut down the size of the output too, but I am not sure what to cut. <jasonbirch> Hmm. Our documentation is proprietary :) Is it going to piss folks off if I start messing with it? <jasonbirch> (sorry, documentation DEVELOPMENT PROCESS) <rbray> Not if the Open Source build uses it's own config file. <rbray> We we should be doing anyway. <rbray> We = Which <jasonbirch> Just need a few more volunteers :) <jasonbirch> I'm pretty happy with the activity on the mailing list these days, btw. <rbray> Yes it is pretty balanced, with a lot more folks answering. <rbray> Its not just the Jason and Andy show :) <rbray> So if I get all this doxygen stuff added should I add a ticket and assign it to you? <jasonbirch> Having core developer involvement is still pretty darn important too :) <Andy_Morsell> (Thankfully) <jasonbirch> Sure :) I'd like to see a quick fix that adds the search script. <jasonbirch> And I'm sure that Andy_Morsell would too :) <rbray> Hey helping OS users is actually part of our goals. <Andy_Morsell> I've been clamoring for searching ever since the switch to Doxygen. <jasonbirch> Performance measures? <rbray> Yep. It's great because it shows corporate commitment. <rbray> Does anyone care for the diagrams in Doxygen. Maybe that would be a way to cut down size. <jasonbirch> There are a few items I could do without. <jasonbirch> I do like the inheritance diagrams though. <jasonbirch> It's the huge graphs that aren't all that useful for me. <Andy_Morsell> They're almost impossible to read at screen resolution (maybe a wall poster would work) so I could live without the super granular diagrams. <jasonbirch> I'll try a few configs anyway... and maybe post them on my site. <jasonbirch> Sometime in December. <jasonbirch> hey, reload your browsers, I added an agenda item. <jasonbirch> So... <rbray> Doh <jasonbirch> In general, this page really needs some work: <sigq> Title: MapGuide Project Update - 2007 Q1 - OSGEO (at <rbray> Ok, we are running out of time fast. Lets move on. <rbray> Yes it does. Do you know Tylers deadline? <jasonbirch> If everyone could add some important items, add verbiage, maybe link to some implementations, then that would be great. <jasonbirch> Timeline is here: <sigq> Title: Newsletter Volume 1 - OSGEO (at <TomMGOS> I'll look up and add the dates of some of the other releases <rbray> Ok, so we have a couple of weeks. I can certainly add some stuff next week. <rbray> BTW - Thanks for getting the ball rolling on this Jason. <jasonbirch> On a personal note, I could really use some short notes on the history of proprietary MG for the article I'm behind on. I only came into it in 2001, and missed the whole ADSK acquisition, etc, etc. I didn't even get ColdFusion bundled with my second license. I'd be happy to get an input off-list. And I'll be expecting quotes from all of you at some point in the article. danmo included. <jasonbirch> OK, so over next week, can everyone look at that page and update as possible? <Andy_Morsell> Yes. Man, you're a busy guy Jason. I really don't know how you're doing all of this........ <rbray> Jason, did you grab the stuff from the About page? <jasonbirch> (me neither) <jasonbirch> There's an about page? :) <rbray> Yes it has some history. I can elaborate if you want more. <rbray> <jasonbirch> That's useful. Must have read it at some point, but I don't remember. <jasonbirch> I'll come to you for confirmation. <rbray> Sounds good. <rbray> Now what about BuildBot? <jasonbirch> mloskot volunteered to help get us configured in April if we are. He'd done for FDO previously, but there didn't seem to be a lot of interest. Need to judge interest here first. <jasonbirch> And there are Windows VMs avaliable with buildbot agents on them. <rbray> Cool. Well I am all for it. I think public builds is a good next step for the project. <jasonbirch> Here's FDO's broken (because of SVN changes) version: <sigq> Title: BuildBot: FDO (at <rbray> That is as long as I am not doing the work :) <jasonbirch> My main reason for wanting this is that as we add platform support it will make sure that it is maintained. <jasonbirch> And if it isn't, the appropriate developer gets "blamed" :) <rbray> Yea, but at the moment BuildBot is only running on FC4 yes? <jasonbirch> The server is, but I think there may be multple agents. <rbray> Is the plan to run multiple VMs with different distros? <jasonbirch> Maybe? <jasonbirch> <sigq> Title: BuildBot: GDAL (at <rbray> Hmm, all the telescience blades are running FC4. Not sure thate are any outside agents. <jasonbirch> <sigq> Title: BuildBot: PROJ.4 (at <jasonbirch> Both of these have different platforms building. <jasonbirch> Some of the telescience blades are running Solaris I think :) <TomMGOS> BTW, looks like the build bot for FDO needs to be updated to point to the new subversion repositories; that's why they are failing. <rbray> How can you tell the platform? <jasonbirch> Osmosis (I don't think it's documented) <jasonbirch> TomMGOS: yes, but mloskot's been busy, and unsure whether anyone was benefiting from the FDO config. <rbray> Click the build server link, there is a description. Sorry I am slow. <jasonbirch> Oh. Good. <jasonbirch> PPC build :) <TomMGOS> Anyone can even force a build from there. Nice <rbray> We are internally still doing nightlys using BuildForge. But limited in platform to Fedora/Redhat. <rbray> It would be great to open this up to different platforms. <jasonbirch> Right. Is it even possible to build MG from the commandline on Windows? <TomMGOS> Yes, that's how we build it. <jasonbirch> Would it be possible to add that stuff to the repository? <rbray> We should probably document that magic at some point. <jasonbirch> It's easy to do with FDO because there are bat files; I'm missing that in MG. <jasonbirch> And I hate clicking in GUIs. <jasonbirch> :) <rbray> We'll have to look. I don't see why we could not add them to SVN. <jasonbirch> OK, so there is interest in BuildBot. I'll let Mat know. <rbray> Yep <rbray> How is the PostGIS provider coming BTW. I have not seen a beta announcement yet. <jasonbirch> Getting closer daily. Looking at Monday (no, not last Monday) now though :( <rbray> I can't wait to try it out. <rbray> Ok gang is that a wrap for today. <jasonbirch> Me too. Thanks Bob. <rbray> Ok, lets adjourn then. Thanks everyone. <Haris> bye <jasonbirch> I've posted actions here: +1 <bdechant> Bye <jasonbirch> <sigq> Title: PscMeeting03-08-2007 - MapGuide Open Source - Trac (at <jasonbirch> (paste error :) <rbray> Thanks Jason. I'll post the transcript shortly.
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Last modified on 03/08/07 13:17:55
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