Version 1 (modified by 11 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Table of Contents
Submitting wxGUI
GUI is divided into components. One component is usually placed in one directory.
- Remember that functionality such as generating plots should be primarily
provided by library or modules not GUI.
- Try to create create also g.gui.* module for the new GUI component. It helps
advanced users to access functionality and developers to test it. Moreover, it helps to keep components separated and thus, it supports re-usability.
File structure
- Add a header section to each file you submit and make sure you
include the copyright. The purpose section is meant to contain a general over view of the code in the file to assist other programmers that will need to make changes to your code. For this purpose use Python docstring.
The copyright protects your rights according to GNU General Public License (
Please use the following docstring template:
"""! @package dir.example @brief Short example package description Classes: - example::ExampleClass (C) 2012 by the GRASS Development Team This program is free software under the GNU General Public License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS for details. @author First Author <first> @author Second Author <second> @author Some Other <third> (some particular change) """
Documentation and comments
Writing the code
Do not use print command unless you know what are you doing.
Use wx.ID_ANY instead of -1
Use GError, GWarning and GMessage instead of wx.MessageBox()
Do not use grass.run_command() or grass.read_command(). Use functions and classes which use threads such as RunCommand.
When using AddGrowableCol/AddGrowableRow with sizers, put it after adding widgets into the sizer, not just after creating of the sizer (needed for wxPython >= 2.9).
See also
Related submitting rules ==
- wiki:Submitting/General general GRASS and svn instructions
- wiki:Submitting/Python Python library and scripts related instructions which applies to wxGUI too if not stated otherwise
- wiki:Submitting/Docs user documentation of modules and GUI
GRASS documentation
- GRASS Programming manual for API and existing classes:
- GRASS wiki has pages about how to develop wxGUI:
- GRASS Trac wiki has pages about the state of wxGUI development:
External documentation
- wxPython Style Guide: