
Version 1 (modified by veroandreo, 6 months ago) ( diff )

create page psc meeting 2024-02-09

Table of Contents

  1. Participants
  2. Agenda

PSC Meeting 2024-02-09


  • TBD


The topics proposed are:

  • Review past minutes and action points
  • PSC elections. See
  • GSoC 2024
  • Student grant
    • Linda
  • Budget
    • Treasurer changed. Thanks Markus and Vaclav!
    • Budget was submitted in Dec 2023.
  • Future events
    • FOSSGIS 2024
    • FOSS4G Europe
    • Next GRASS GIS virtual and in person sprint
  • Releases
  • Status of open PRs - Martin?
  • Renaming Location to Project
  • grasswiki authentication
  • Discourse migration
  • Changes in mailman configurations
  • POSE project
  • Pending RFCs and RFC procedure
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