
Table of Contents

  1. Participants
  2. Agenda
  3. Minutes

PSC Meeting 2023-11-10


  • Anna Petrasova
  • Helena Mitasova
  • Veronica Andreo
  • Huidae Cho
  • Martin Landa
  • Michael Barton
  • Vaclav Petras


The topics proposed are:

  • Review past minutes and action points
  • Call for student grants
    • Topics, dates, mentors, potential candidates
  • Budget status
    • treasurer report (treasurer travelling back from BIDS conf)
    • Reimbursements procedure
    • Start thinking on budget for 2024
  • Past events
    • FOSS4G North America 2023, Baltimore, MD, Oct 23-25 (3 talks, 2 workshops)
    • OSGeo Community Sprint 2023, Nov 6-9 (OSGeo Annual Code Sprint, Vienna, Big Data from Space)
  • Future events
    • FOSS4G-Asia 2023 Seoul (Nov 28 - Dec 2)
    • FOSSGIS 2024: MN may submit a "State of GRASS GIS" talk
    • Next GRASS GIS virtual sprint
    • Next GRASS GIS in-person sprint
  • Releases
    • Release procedure too slow due to always waiting for CI. A release takes > 5 hs.
    • Zenodo DOI not working. Who knows the Zenodo credentials?
  • RFCs
  • Accounts
  • PRs
    • Complains about too many open PRs
    • GRASS: 124, GDAL 10, QGIS 43, PROJ 3, OSGeoLive 0, torvalds/linux 309, apache/spark 232, apache/sedona 1
  • Renaming Location to Project
  • Extras
    • MN tries to change the grasswiki authentication from local system (spammed to death) to OSGeo-LDAP (like Trac-SAC ticket is pending
    • mailman: strk wants to change the mailman behaviour and strip off the [Listname] prefix and email footer. See Trac-SAC for details (DKIM and DMARC).


  • We reviewed last minutes and set new action points
    • Ask Michael Smith to remove Moritz from OpenCollective and check his duplicate account
  • Student grants:
    • We'll offer USD 4k, max per stipend/project is USD 1K, but it can be less.
    • Yann Chemin offered himself as mentor.
    • Michael Barton will add a couple of ideas to the wiki.
    • News item about student grants was merged, so the call is on.
    • All: spam it around.
  • Budget:
    • Martin will ask Angelos if those participating of the Vienna code sprint can be reimbursed directly from OSGeo money.
    • Budget for 2024:
      • Code sprint in Prague before/after FOSS4G Europe. We would need less money than in 2023, because POSE money might cover part of it.
      • Travel money to other conferences.
      • Student grants.
      • Swag.
    • Set up a call with Markus to do the number crunching.
  • Past events:
    • FOSS4G-NA: People willing to pay for the t-shirt but not add more money to it.
    • OSGeo code sprint in Vienna.
  • Future events:
    • FOSS4G Asia: Huidae will attend.
    • FOSS4G Europe, July 2024.
    • Code sprint in Prague before/after FOSS4G Europe 2024.
  • Releases:
    • Vashek: check on Zenodo to get the DOI working again for new releases.
    • Release procedure agenda item was postponed.
  • RFCs:
    • Python Language support was merged, the rest was postponed as they require more time to discuss.
  • Accounts:
  • PRs:
    • Too many open PRs, this is not motivating for newcomers that invest time in creating the PRs.
    • Martin did a comprehensive analysis of open PRs status in this doc
    • We discussed the need to set up some rules to deal with open PRs while maintaining code quality, eg. if you create a PR and have writing access to the repo, you are automatically responsible for that PR, if you get an approval and no request for changes, go ahead and merge; for those without writing access, we should split topics, and take care of reviews or assign reviewers, set a period to wait for a response from PR author to merge or close the PR, etc.
    • All: think and write up rules for managing PRs in this issue.
  • Location --> Project:
    • Send executive summary of Vashek’s location document to mailing list and link the full thing to get more feedback.
  • Swag shop:
  • Extras:
    • grasswiki authentication: Anna pinged Regina and Vicky in the SAC-trac ticket.
      • mainly working now (on staging server)
    • mailman issue: postponed, more context needed.
  • Create a news item with GRASS yearly recap and do a end of year virtual toast as the last couple of years.
Last modified 5 months ago Last modified on Feb 9, 2024, 5:45:29 AM
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