
Version 1 (modified by veroandreo, 9 months ago) ( diff )

create page for psc meeting 2023-11-10

Table of Contents

  1. Participants
  2. Agenda

PSC Meeting 2023-11-10


  • TBD


The topics proposed are:

  • Review past minutes and action points
  • Call for student grants
    • Topics, dates, mentors, potential candidates
  • Budget status
    • Reimbursements procedure
    • Start thinking on budget for 2024
  • Past events
    • FOSS4G North America 2023, Baltimore, MD, Oct 23-25 (3 talks, 2 workshops)
    • OSGeo Community Sprint 2023, Nov 6-9 (OSGeo Annual Code Sprint, Vienna, Big Data from Space)
  • Future events
    • FOSS4G-Asia 2023 Seoul (Nov 28 - Dec 2)
    • Next GRASS GIS virtual sprint
    • Next GRASS GIS in-person sprint
  • Releases
    • Zotero DOI not working
  • RFCs
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