
Version 18 (modified by neteler, 21 months ago) ( diff )


Table of Contents

  1. Participants
  2. Agenda
  3. Minutes

PSC Meeting 2022-11-11


  • Anna Petrasova
  • Helena Mitasova
  • Huidae Cho
  • Markus Neteler
  • Michael Barton
  • Vaclav Petras
  • Martin Landa


The topics proposed are:

  • Mini/student grants
    • Linda's proposal
    • Feedback from NC State students - VP
      • scope of work: time commitment expectations, student developer's time hourly rate; how much work for 1000 EUR?
      • mentoring: emphasize value of good coding mentorship (rather than just the money)
  • FOSS4G 2022 evaluation
  • Pending RFCs (see wiki RFC list and PRs)
  • Social media channels - help needed
  • Google Scholar profile name and access
  • SEO issues with manual pages
    • MN has found the trick, will report:
      • all older manuals now contain a "canonical" URL in the metadata pointing to the latest stable version
      • viewport has been added for mobile devices
      • Google search console now reports a huge improvement since Oct 2022 :-)
  • winGRASS: C addons broken since long
  • Upcoming releases - what's missing?
    • G7.8.8 maintenance release - MN
    • G8.2.1 maintenance release - MN
    • G8.3 update release
  • QGIS support for GRASS 8+ (Markus communication with Nyall)
    • Nyall wishlist
  • Sponsors and Commercial support (website, under or next to Community)
  • Promotional-related reimbursements
    • Lack of procedures for promotional-related reimbursement
    • Reimbursement for GIS Week materials for VP
    • Renewed grass-promo repository
  • Update on Indian Mirror - MN
  • Info: FOSDEM 2023 - OSGeo geospatial dewvroom was not (!) selected this time
  • Next meeting: please schedule it for 2hs


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