Opened 6 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#3900 closed defect (fixed)

Go back to using community version of ctypesgen

Reported by: ossalanr Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 8.0.0
Component: Python ctypes Version: unspecified
Keywords: Cc:
CPU: All Platform: All


Although ctypesgen had been comatose for several years, it is alive again, and the current version has many bug fixes over the last version, and runs well on Python2 and Python3 and have a good test suite as part of the project CI process. There are now two active maintainers on the project, both of whom are actively using ctypesgen for their own projects, and actively soliciting bug fixes and enhancements.

Ctypesgen is a very generic package, and is unlikely to have required any GRASS-specific changes.

So, it's my proposal that GRASS should move back to the community version of ctypesgen.

Change History (9)

comment:1 by neteler, 6 years ago

Please add the URL to the ctypesgen repo which you propose (since many forks exist)

comment:2 by ossalanr, 6 years ago

Sorry, I mean the original project at is now back alive again. We haven't yet published the latest one in pypi yet, but that should happen in the next few days. Two of the major fork creators (me and one other) are now committers in that repo.

comment:3 by ossalanr, 6 years ago

First new release is now in PyPi. Version number is a bit odd. Will try and fix that next release.

comment:4 by annakrat, 6 years ago

Milestone: 8.0.0

That's great, it would be preferable to use your version. Not sure how much work it is to get it working with GRASS, there are some differences.

comment:5 by neteler, 6 years ago

Great indeed! Does it also work on Windows? We need to have it working on all relevant operating systems...

comment:6 by ossalanr, 6 years ago

It originally worked with Windows, and I don't believe that anyone has changed anything that would prevent that. On the other hand, I don't personally have a Windows dev environment, so I can't tell you.

Please file PRs or issues if there are Windows-specific problems.

comment:7 by nila, 4 years ago

This issue is addressed with PR #1651.

comment:9 by nila, 3 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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