Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#2582 new enhancement

please restore important thematic map features themetype, themecalc etc.

Reported by: jamesp670 Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 7.6.2
Component: Display Version: svn-releasebranch70
Keywords: d.vect.thematic, cartography Cc:
CPU: x86-64 Platform: All


In the upgrade from GRASS 6.4.2 to GRASS 7, d.vect.thematic seems to have changed significantly. This is my tool of choice for making a legend for vector layers. For example, given a street map of lines called streetswm, and a column dacount indicating vehicles counted on a given segment, and with a monitor open, the simplest but still very useful d.vect.thematic command is:

d.vect.thematic map=streetswm@PERMANENT type=line column=dacount \ \

themetype=graduated_colors themecalc=interval nint=8 \ \

colorscheme=blue-red psmap=testthem2 \

In 6.4.2, that outputs both the legend and a nice thematic map using psmap syntax.

To be clear, I am looking for two separate features:

  1. To automatically generate breaks and assign colors to them. I just say "gimme 8 intervals in the blue-red" and I get out intelligence like "text 14% 54% 632.339 - 752.795 " (from testthem2\_legend.psmap).
  2. To automatically generate psmap commands, especially for the legend, reflecting the breaks and colors automatically assigned in step 1.


Moritz Lennert: wrote in reply to this issue:

You are right that the C-module version is less feature-rich in some aspects than the original script version. Please file enhancement requests against that module for the different feature you would like to see (altough discussions are ongoing on whether this module should actually continue to be developed or not, see [1]).

The old script module is still available as an addon under the name d.vect.thematic2 [2] and should be easy to install.


[1] [2]

Change History (11)

comment:1 by martinl, 9 years ago


comment:2 by wenzeslaus, 9 years ago


comment:3 by wenzeslaus, 9 years ago

Keywords: d.vect.thematic cartography added

See also #2494.

comment:4 by martinl, 9 years ago


Milestone renamed

comment:5 by neteler, 7 years ago


Ticket retargeted after milestone closed

comment:6 by martinl, 7 years ago

What is status of this issue?

comment:7 by jamesp670, 7 years ago

For my part, I'm happy that d.vect.thematic2 in addons is potentially a solution. It would be better if the built-in C version implemented these features from Grass 6.4.

Moritz asked me to "file enhancement requests against that module for the different feature you would like to see". I looked at doing that but I do not see any better way to file the feature request. There isn't a component that is relevant more detailed than "Display" which I chose for the original bug.

The larger architectural issues raised by Moritz are beyond my ken. His mailing list post at 072918.html doesn't seem to address the needs of a psmap user making a thematic map.

So that's my point of view three years on. More details on how to refile the bug would be welcome. I am always glad to cooperate with this amazing dev. team. Thank you for what you do.

comment:8 by neteler, 7 years ago


comment:9 by martinl, 6 years ago


All enhancement tickets should be assigned to 7.6 milestone.

comment:10 by martinl, 6 years ago


Ticket retargeted after milestone closed

comment:11 by martinl, 6 years ago


Ticket retargeted after milestone closed

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