Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#1777 closed defect (invalid)

reference to 6.4.2 in

Reported by: jeir Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: trivial Milestone: 6.4.3
Component: Database Version: 6.4.3 RCs
Keywords: ogr Cc:
CPU: OSX/Intel Platform: MacOSX


Testing GRASS 6.4.3RC1 on Mac OS X 10.7.5

binaries from cmbarton 24 Oct (, installed all frameworks

Issued these lines in a python script

infile = 'filename.csv' grass.run_command("", dsn=infile, output = 'faults_db')

made sure file 'filename.csv' is in place and OK

gives this error: --- ERROR 1: dlopen(/Library/Application Support/GDAL/1.9/PlugIns/ogr_GRASS.dylib, 1): Library not loaded: /Applications/

Referenced from: /Library/Application Support/GDAL/1.9/PlugIns/ogr_GRASS.dylib

ERROR: Input table <filename.csv> not found or not readable --- Seems that the old 6.4.2 is referenced in libgrass_gis.6.4.2.dylib

Change History (1)

comment:1 by jeir, 12 years ago

Priority: normaltrivial
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

I have tested this on a different machine and was not able to verify the problem, it is probably related to the setup on the previous machine. It seems not to be related to release 6.4.3 RC1 and the ticket should be closed.

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