Opened 15 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#1123 closed defect (duplicate)

Cairo driver dies unexpectedly after d.font

Reported by: hamish Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: minor Milestone: 6.5.0
Component: Display Version: svn-develbranch6
Keywords: cairo Cc:
CPU: All Platform: All



working in 6.5svn, the Cairo driver dies unexpectedly a command after I call d.font.

G65> d.mon start=cairo
cairo: collecting to file: map.png,
Graphics driver [cairo] started

G65> d.font Vera

G65> d.barscale at=7.992203,5.862832 bcol=none
ERROR: Cairo_draw_bitmap: Failed to create source

sometimes it also gives this error message:

ERROR eof from graphics driver.

and the driver is then closed. without d.font it all works fine.

libcairo2 1.6.4, in debian/stable amd64 haven't tested on other branches yet.

?, Hamish

Change History (2)

in reply to:  description comment:1 by glynn, 15 years ago

Replying to hamish:

working in 6.5svn, the Cairo driver dies unexpectedly a command after I call d.font.

ERROR: Cairo_draw_bitmap: Failed to create source

lib/cairodriver/Draw_bitmap.c needs sync'ing with 7.0. It can't be merged due to other changes to the driver architecture, but it shouldn't be too hard to take the 7.0 version then tweak it for 6.x.

Cairo typically requires surfaces to be word-aligned. Older versions would create unaligned surfaces which produced garbage when used as a source. Newer versions simply refuse to create them.

in reply to:  description comment:2 by glynn, 14 years ago

CPU: x86-64All
Platform: LinuxAll
Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Replying to hamish:

working in 6.5svn, the Cairo driver dies unexpectedly a command after I call d.font.

ERROR: Cairo_draw_bitmap: Failed to create source

Duplicate of #1152. This one came first, but most of the useful discussion is on #1152.

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