Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#760 new defect

Snapping leaves segments below tolerance

Reported by: strk Owned by: geos-devel@…
Priority: major Milestone: 3.11.0
Component: Default Version: 3.5.0
Severity: Unassigned Keywords:


Snapping a geometry to another should result in an output that does not move again on subsequent snapping to the same geometry. At least, I'd think such behaviour would be to be preferred, for stability.

In the following case it takes two iterations to reach that point:

WITH inp AS (                                                                   
   0.001 as tol,                                                                
   'LINESTRING(599671.37338031 4889182.65265274,599671.369855744 4889982.62878372)'
    ::geometry as src,                                                          
   'LINESTRING(599671.37 4889664.32,599665.52 4889680.18,599671.37 4889683.4,599671.37 4889781.87)'
    ::geometry as tgt                                                           
 ST_AsText(ST_Snap(src , tgt , tol)),                                           
 ST_AsText(ST_Snap(ST_Snap(src , tgt , tol), tgt, tol)),                        
 ST_AsText(ST_Snap(ST_Snap(ST_Snap(src , tgt , tol), tgt, tol), tgt, tol))
FROM inp;

Change History (7)

comment:1 by strk, 9 years ago

I shell note the problem is dependent on order of vertices in the target point set. Here's a simpler input:

src: LINESTRING(0 0,0 20)
tgt: LINESTRING(0.5 19,1 18,1.5 17)

Take the target in the given order and snapping is final after first iteration. Reverse the target and it takes 3 iterations to fully snap:

   0.8 as tol,
   'LINESTRING(0 0,0 20)'
    ::geometry as src,
   'LINESTRING(0.5 19,1 18,1.5 17)'
    ::geometry as tgt
 ST_AsText(src) src,
 ST_AsText(ST_Snap(src , tgt , tol)) snap1,
 ST_AsText(ST_Snap(ST_Snap(src , tgt , tol), tgt, tol)) snap2,
 ST_AsText(ST_Snap(ST_Snap(ST_Snap(src , tgt , tol), tgt, tol), tgt, tol)) snap3,
 ST_AsText(ST_Snap(src , ST_Reverse(tgt) , tol)) snap1r,
 ST_AsText(ST_Snap(ST_Snap(src , ST_Reverse(tgt) , tol), ST_Reverse(tgt), tol)) snap2r,
 ST_AsText(ST_Snap(ST_Snap(ST_Snap(src , ST_Reverse(tgt) , tol), ST_Reverse(tgt), tol), ST_Reverse(tgt), tol)) snap3r,
 ST_Distance(src, ST_EndPoint(tgt)) dist_end,
 ST_Distance(src, ST_StartPoint(tgt)) dist_start,
 ST_Distance(src, ST_PointN(tgt,2)) dist_p2,
 ST_Distance(src, ST_PointN(tgt,3)) dist_p3
FROM inp;
-[ RECORD 1 ]---------------------------------------
src        | LINESTRING(0 0,0 20)
snap1      | LINESTRING(0 0,1.5 17,1 18,0.5 19,0 20)
snap2      | LINESTRING(0 0,1.5 17,1 18,0.5 19,0 20)
snap3      | LINESTRING(0 0,1.5 17,1 18,0.5 19,0 20)
snap1r     | LINESTRING(0 0,0.5 19,0 20)
snap2r     | LINESTRING(0 0,1 18,0.5 19,0 20)
snap3r     | LINESTRING(0 0,1.5 17,1 18,0.5 19,0 20)
dist_end   | 1.5
dist_start | 0.5
dist_p2    | 1
dist_p3    | 1.5

comment:3 by strk, 8 years ago


Ticket retargeted after milestone closed

comment:4 by robe, 6 years ago


comment:5 by pramsey, 5 years ago


comment:6 by pramsey, 4 years ago


comment:7 by robe, 3 years ago


Retargeting in prep for GEOS 3.10.0 release

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