Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#384 closed defect (wontfix)

WMSLayerAdder missing files

Reported by: cvillemure Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: 1.6.0
Component: lib Version: trunk
Keywords: WMSLayerAdder Cc:


Je remarque que dans la release 1.0.0 de GeoPrisma on a le code suivant :

\src\client\widgets\wmslayeradder\WMSLayerAdder.js (2 hits) Line 437: imagePath: '../../*lib/ext-3.0.0*/examples/ux/images/', Line 577: imagePath: '../../*lib/ext-3.0.0*/examples/ux/images/',

Il semble donc y avoir des références qui n'existent plus. Il faudrait valider ces références et les corriger au besoin.

Réponse de Alexandre Dubé :

  • Le widget de WMSLayerAdder n'est pas dans la liste "stable" de GeoPrisma 1.0, donc si on corrige ce problème ça serait dans trunk et non 1.0.
  • Borealis ne se sert pas de ce widget, alors à moins que je me trompe tu peux ne pas trop t'en soucier
  • Aucun développement n'est prévu à court et long terme pour ce widget

Change History (3)

comment:1 by adube, 13 years ago


No patch, pushed to 1.6.

cvillemure, would you please provide an English version of the issue description ?

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by cvillemure, 13 years ago

Replying to adube:

I've noticed that in the release 1.0.0 of GeoPrisma, we have the following code :

\src\client\widgets\wmslayeradder\WMSLayerAdder.js (2 hits)

Line 437: imagePath: '../../*lib/ext-3.0.0*/examples/ux/images/',

Line 577: imagePath: '../../*lib/ext-3.0.0*/examples/ux/images/',

It seems there's references to libs that doesn't exist anymore. We should look at these references and correct/delete them as required.

Answer from Alexandre Dubé :

The widget WMSLayerAdder is not in the "stable" version of GeoPrisma 1.0. If we have to correct this problem, it will be in trunk and not 1.0. Borealis does not use this widget (at my best knowledge), so you should not worry about this. No developement is planned for this widget at short terms

comment:3 by adube, 13 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

The WMSLayerAdder was deprecated in 1.6. I'm closing this ticket as "WONTFIX".

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