Open Issues ¶
author: Heikki Doeleman
This page lists the things still needed to be done in the ESA ebRIM project and estimates how many days of work they are.
New issue list ¶
(1) SOAP testing is done using FireFox Poster (Erik), Done
(2) Jose ElementName (GetRecords)
(3) Erik the save facade does not seem to update when the same ISO metadata is offered a second time. Instead, it creates new ebrim stuff in addition to the earlier
- The save facade does not seem to update when the same ISO metadata is offered a
- second time. Instead, it creates new ebrim stuff in addition to the earlier
- Status: The problem cannot be reproduced in a unit test (RegistryObjectListStoreFacadeTest). What is the problem?
The problem was that when I inserted the same ISO more than once in the legacy, (with same UUID), the number of ebrim objects would increase after every insertion. It should remain the same if a real update was happening.
(4) Testing & validating ebrimupdater&iso2ebrim
(5) All test and validate everything like crazy
(6) Security 1: create web service in legacy : Erik, Jose, Heikki
3 days, status 0%
(7) Security 2: use web service in ebRIM app : Erik, Jose, Heikki
2 days, status 0% Reference to User Management provided by Simone: User management
(8) Uploader web service: needs testing
(9) CSW operations: testing of getRecords & getCapabilities & DescribeRecord
(10) Joins : Jose
2 days, status 40%
(11) GET and POST validation for each operation