'Hello fellow project members,' ¶
here are the minutes of the last chat on the ESA project. Find it also on the wiki here: http://trac.osgeo.org/geonetwork/wiki/esa-10-10-2008.
attending ¶
present: Jose, Heikki, Jeroen, Erik
summary ¶
We discussed the general architectural layers in the new project, its relation to the current codebase, and next meetings.
organizational ¶
- The next meeting is moved from Wednesday October 15th at 22:00 to Tuesday October 14th 21:00. (Heikki may not attend, or not say much, depending how things are going for the Big Bang at Geonovum the next day).
- A face-to-face meeting is planned in Amsterdam at October 31st from 10:00 to 17:00. Location: In De Waag, Nieuwmarkt, Amsterdam (see http://www.indewaag.nl/?English). Jeroen, Erik and Heikki confirmed to be there, Jose is looking at tickets.
- Heikki proposes an additional meeting at October 30th. Nobody confirmed -- please either confirm or reject that one.
on the implementation ¶
- Choices have been made to use Spring for IoC, Spring DAO using Hibernate and Hibernate Search.
on the architecture ¶
Some confusions have been exposed, partially cleared up, but not totally.
The existing drawing of the architecture was found to be incomplete and possibly inadequate. Heikki will make a new one coming Thursday.
Main points :
- we shall use the current database for storing metadata. This is known as Repository ;
- just as it is now we'll keep a Lucene index of said Repository ;
- we'll use a single Search Engine to be used by both the old codebase (which we'll have to modify for this) and by the new ebXML codebase ;
- the Registry is an entity that corresponds to (or comprises) what also was called ebXML Object Model (see the wiki on that one here: http://trac.osgeo.org/geonetwork/wiki/ebXMLObjectModel) ;
- the Database in the current architecture drawing is not understood by any of the current project members ;
- the new CSW operations (using ebXML documents) are in the new Interface layer
- the packaging of the new & old codebase is still unclear .. separate web apps or not, how to integrate the new single search engine for both new and old code
work items next week ¶
- meeting at Tuesday 21:00 !
- Erik will start work coming Tuesday and work Tuesdays, Wednesdays (50%) and Thursdays from then on
- what will you be doing Tuesday Erik? Start setting up a Spring DAO layer that uses Hibernate ?
- Heikki will spend no time on ESA until Thursday, when he makes a new architecture diagram
- the work items for Jose and Jeroen were not specified during this meeting
As usual, please comment on both the contents and form of these minutes.
Kind regards Heikki