Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#1087 closed defect (fixed)

Updates to catalan translation for version 2.8.0 RC1

Reported by: mmarco Owned by: ianwallen
Priority: major Milestone: v2.8.0 RC2
Component: General Version: v2.8.0RC1
Keywords: Cc: mmarco


I installed GN 2.8.0 RC1 in order to review the catalan translation. I send attached (zip file) several catalan files to be included/replaced. An explanation of the files I sent:

1.- The widget interface does not show in catalan. I suppose this is because apps\js\Geonetwork\lib\Geonetwork\lang\ca.js does not exist. I created it using the en.js found in this directory.

2.- Strings and tooltips in the 'small map' and the 'map viewer' show in english instead of catalan. I suppose there is a mistake in the scripts\map\lang\ca.js. I send the file to be replaced.

3.- New tags are missing in config.xml, harvesting.xml, metadata-validate.xml and strings.xml located loc\cat directory. I send the files to be replaced.

4.- A correction made in file WEB-INF\data\config\schema_plugins\iso19139\loc\cat\codelists.xml. I send the file to be replaced.

Once changes incorporated, I'll download a nigthy build to test if catalan displays properly.

Thanks a lot,

Best regards Montse

Change History (7)

by mmarco, 12 years ago

Attachment: added

comment:1 by ianwallen, 12 years ago

Changes were added in commit ec85ee3a418f25234d4fb650aff6f68fed8fae6f

Test tomorrows nightly build to see if everything is OK then you can close the ticket.

comment:2 by mmarco, 12 years ago

Cc: mmarco added

I tested geonetwork-install-branch28-2012-10-07.jar and the files I sent are updated, but there are still two issues:

I thought the files involved where apps\js\Geonetwork\lib\Geonetwork\lang\ca.js and geonetwork\scripts\map\lang\ca.js, but there is something more to be translated that I'm missing. Please, can you tell me what files should I translate?

Thanks for your help and best regards, Montse

comment:3 by heikki, 12 years ago


you need to use ISO 639-2 (the three letter codes) to specify the language in the URL for the Ext GUIs. In this case, http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/apps/tabsearch/?hl=cat.

Does it work if you do that ?

comment:4 by mmarco, 12 years ago


It doesn't. I have done this test:

Thanks for your help, Montse

comment:5 by ianwallen, 12 years ago

Owner: changed from geonetwork-devel@… to ianwallen


I think I found the issue I will prepare a fix and send it shortly.

comment:6 by ianwallen, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed in commit 44bfe006891814ca1ac7a96821adfb9964208581

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