#6293 closed defect (fixed)
Multiple Pleiades/Airbus Tiles Don't Georegister Properly With gdalwarp
Reported by: | edjansing | Owned by: | warmerdam |
Priority: | high | Milestone: | 2.0.3 |
Component: | default | Version: | unspecified |
Severity: | major | Keywords: | gdalwarp, tiles, tfw, geotiff, georegistration |
Cc: | bishop |
Description (last modified by )
Attempting to use gdalwarp to georegister several MSI tiles from Airbus' Pleiades sensor. A single area is provided in several tiles. In this example, here is the MSI directory listing with two tiles:
DIM_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002.XML ICON_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002.JPG IMG_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002_R1C1.TFW IMG_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002_R1C1.TIF IMG_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002_R2C1.TFW IMG_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002_R2C1.TIF INDEX.HTM LIBRARY LINEAGE MASKS PREVIEW_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002.JPG PREVIEW_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002.KMZ RPC_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002.XML
The TFW files are unique between the two tiles. When I import the tiles into qgis, without any modification, it stitches them together properly, but they are not in the proper CRS (they are essentially referenced to pixel space, not to any CRS coordinate system).
When I use gdalwarp to put them in EPSG:4326, the first image is perfectly registered (the image with R1C1 as a suffix). The command used:
gdalwarp -rpc IMG_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002_R1C1.TIF IMG_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002_R1C1_projected.TIF
When I then gdalwarp the second image:
gdalwarp -rpc IMG_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002_R2C1.TIF IMG_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002_R2C1_projected.TIF
The second image does not get stitched at the bottom of the first image, but is placed at the top of the image, as if the tile starts at the same lat/lon coordinate (or at the same pixel location, whichever).
Is this normal behavior? Is there another procedure I should use? Can provide image data if helpful.
gdalwarp reports 2.0.0 as version gdalinfo on two original images:
$ gdalinfo IMG_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002_R1C1.TIF Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF Files: IMG_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002_R1C1.TIF IMG_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002_R1C1.TIF.aux.xml ./DIM_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002.XML ./RPC_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002.XML IMG_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002_R1C1.TFW Size is 9458, 15000 Coordinate System is `' Origin = (-1.000000000000000,3.000000000000000) Pixel Size = (4.000000000000000,-4.000000000000000) Metadata: METADATATYPE=DIMAP TIFFTAG_DATETIME=2015:12:23 18:32:39 TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION=B2 B1 B0 B3 TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION=1 TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION=1 Image Structure Metadata: INTERLEAVE=PIXEL RPC Metadata: HEIGHT_OFF=45 HEIGHT_SCALE=95 LAT_OFF=38.87154971192919 LAT_SCALE=0.1416732123880315 LINE_DEN_COEFF= 1 0.00026341144632701 -9.80822136398733e-05 -2.35953356209866e-06 -1.62170380697022e-05 -1.22640028446246e-08 1.55023313626127e-07 -1.5537111237091e-05 4.58036130936434e-05 -2.31198284873618e-05 3.2864533726195e-09 -3.06927464009735e-08 2.08793797077866e-06 -1.21475710839433e-08 1.54788420545811e-07 -4.44599257156653e-07 1.70368489248657e-09 1.33031932377729e-10 -1.54424096736091e-08 1.05222239987211e-10 LINE_NUM_COEFF= -0.000119096471843013 0.00273796193211152 -1.00367656228961 -0.000859086493278233 0.000261713135774831 2.33979663689761e-07 -2.25402196362394e-06 -0.000340119441043266 2.19730836249524e-05 1.66642358408085e-08 -4.29909520634416e-08 4.95298240422465e-08 -2.62364432140933e-05 -6.28870839700389e-08 1.52651889380179e-05 8.08563520366722e-05 2.3195367391933e-05 1.1804689412366e-08 1.00010692110933e-07 1.98020806117544e-08 LINE_OFF=7772.5 LINE_SCALE=7771.5 LONG_OFF=-77.13546672147527 LONG_SCALE=0.1165198796426168 SAMP_DEN_COEFF= 1 0.000472894792539169 0.000881419369988542 -7.53324742935084e-05 -3.46629852664066e-05 -4.87301506925132e-08 1.32614018054834e-08 -2.1872832721835e-07 1.49479836237352e-05 -6.59860144983547e-06 -1.48728353597154e-08 -3.52095449470832e-08 -2.14688694596795e-07 -3.3168465870712e-09 4.03572496745229e-08 3.97707771445365e-07 -1.15020506050241e-08 2.66109369887284e-09 1.05965377023676e-08 9.65442134520645e-10 SAMP_NUM_COEFF= -0.000434608495681351 1.00210264963283 -0.000281300697070519 0.000316194516045025 -0.000879304997048266 7.52970914458278e-05 -5.20633271426872e-05 -3.73769088263009e-05 0.00138775409674169 -2.73849487440847e-08 5.19133691835542e-08 -1.24502711479507e-05 -2.1363347686686e-05 -6.59563969341986e-06 5.20138704377129e-05 -3.41383248102939e-05 -2.02958513833057e-09 -3.71155366535213e-08 -2.25289299184377e-07 -2.06504369348464e-09 SAMP_OFF=5000.5 SAMP_SCALE=4999.5 Corner Coordinates: Upper Left ( -1.0000000, 3.0000000) Lower Left ( -1.000, -59997.000) Upper Right ( 37831.000, 3.000) Lower Right ( 37831.000, -59997.000) Center ( 18915.000, -29997.000) Band 1 Block=9458x1 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Red Min=0.000 Max=3924.000 Minimum=0.000, Maximum=3924.000, Mean=241.479, StdDev=247.675 Metadata: STATISTICS_MAXIMUM=3924 STATISTICS_MEAN=241.47873181735 STATISTICS_MINIMUM=0 STATISTICS_STDDEV=247.67541356986 Band 2 Block=9458x1 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Green Min=0.000 Max=3956.000 Minimum=0.000, Maximum=3956.000, Mean=300.351, StdDev=253.536 Metadata: STATISTICS_MAXIMUM=3956 STATISTICS_MEAN=300.35078661846 STATISTICS_MINIMUM=0 STATISTICS_STDDEV=253.53558755775 Band 3 Block=9458x1 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Blue Min=0.000 Max=4095.000 Minimum=0.000, Maximum=4095.000, Mean=348.032, StdDev=266.569 Metadata: STATISTICS_MAXIMUM=4095 STATISTICS_MEAN=348.03234066915 STATISTICS_MINIMUM=0 STATISTICS_STDDEV=266.56884586952 Band 4 Block=9458x1 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined
$ gdalinfo IMG_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002_R2C1.TIF Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF Files: IMG_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002_R2C1.TIF IMG_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002_R2C1.TIF.aux.xml ./DIM_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002.XML ./RPC_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002.XML IMG_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002_R2C1.TFW Size is 9458, 544 Coordinate System is `' Origin = (-1.000000000000000,-59997.000000000000000) Pixel Size = (4.000000000000000,-4.000000000000000) Metadata: METADATATYPE=DIMAP TIFFTAG_DATETIME=2015:12:23 18:32:39 TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION=B2 B1 B0 B3 TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION=1 TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION=1 Image Structure Metadata: INTERLEAVE=PIXEL RPC Metadata: HEIGHT_OFF=45 HEIGHT_SCALE=95 LAT_OFF=38.87154971192919 LAT_SCALE=0.1416732123880315 LINE_DEN_COEFF= 1 0.00026341144632701 -9.80822136398733e-05 -2.35953356209866e-06 -1.62170380697022e-05 -1.22640028446246e-08 1.55023313626127e-07 -1.5537111237091e-05 4.58036130936434e-05 -2.31198284873618e-05 3.2864533726195e-09 -3.06927464009735e-08 2.08793797077866e-06 -1.21475710839433e-08 1.54788420545811e-07 -4.44599257156653e-07 1.70368489248657e-09 1.33031932377729e-10 -1.54424096736091e-08 1.05222239987211e-10 LINE_NUM_COEFF= -0.000119096471843013 0.00273796193211152 -1.00367656228961 -0.000859086493278233 0.000261713135774831 2.33979663689761e-07 -2.25402196362394e-06 -0.000340119441043266 2.19730836249524e-05 1.66642358408085e-08 -4.29909520634416e-08 4.95298240422465e-08 -2.62364432140933e-05 -6.28870839700389e-08 1.52651889380179e-05 8.08563520366722e-05 2.3195367391933e-05 1.1804689412366e-08 1.00010692110933e-07 1.98020806117544e-08 LINE_OFF=7772.5 LINE_SCALE=7771.5 LONG_OFF=-77.13546672147527 LONG_SCALE=0.1165198796426168 SAMP_DEN_COEFF= 1 0.000472894792539169 0.000881419369988542 -7.53324742935084e-05 -3.46629852664066e-05 -4.87301506925132e-08 1.32614018054834e-08 -2.1872832721835e-07 1.49479836237352e-05 -6.59860144983547e-06 -1.48728353597154e-08 -3.52095449470832e-08 -2.14688694596795e-07 -3.3168465870712e-09 4.03572496745229e-08 3.97707771445365e-07 -1.15020506050241e-08 2.66109369887284e-09 1.05965377023676e-08 9.65442134520645e-10 SAMP_NUM_COEFF= -0.000434608495681351 1.00210264963283 -0.000281300697070519 0.000316194516045025 -0.000879304997048266 7.52970914458278e-05 -5.20633271426872e-05 -3.73769088263009e-05 0.00138775409674169 -2.73849487440847e-08 5.19133691835542e-08 -1.24502711479507e-05 -2.1363347686686e-05 -6.59563969341986e-06 5.20138704377129e-05 -3.41383248102939e-05 -2.02958513833057e-09 -3.71155366535213e-08 -2.25289299184377e-07 -2.06504369348464e-09 SAMP_OFF=5000.5 SAMP_SCALE=4999.5 Corner Coordinates: Upper Left ( -1.000, -59997.000) Lower Left ( -1.000, -62173.000) Upper Right ( 37831.000, -59997.000) Lower Right ( 37831.000, -62173.000) Center ( 18915.000, -61085.000) Band 1 Block=9458x1 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Red Min=0.000 Max=3131.000 Minimum=0.000, Maximum=3131.000, Mean=303.059, StdDev=222.224 Metadata: STATISTICS_MAXIMUM=3131 STATISTICS_MEAN=303.05929724396 STATISTICS_MINIMUM=0 STATISTICS_STDDEV=222.22368384095 Band 2 Block=9458x1 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Green Min=0.000 Max=3071.000 Minimum=0.000, Maximum=3071.000, Mean=389.381, StdDev=199.449 Metadata: STATISTICS_MAXIMUM=3071 STATISTICS_MEAN=389.38147159371 STATISTICS_MINIMUM=0 STATISTICS_STDDEV=199.44912482837 Band 3 Block=9458x1 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Blue Min=0.000 Max=3020.000 Minimum=0.000, Maximum=3020.000, Mean=453.803, StdDev=187.787 Metadata: STATISTICS_MAXIMUM=3020 STATISTICS_MEAN=453.8029269754 STATISTICS_MINIMUM=0 STATISTICS_STDDEV=187.78652664007 Band 4 Block=9458x1 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined
TFW files:
$ cat IMG_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002_R1C1.TFW 4.00000000000000 0 0 -4.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 1.00000000000000
$ cat IMG_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002_R2C1.TFW 4.00000000000000 0 0 -4.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 -59999.00000000000000
Attachments (2)
Change History (19)
by , 9 years ago
Attachment: | 2015-01-06_stitchedTogetherProperlyButNotInRightCRS.png added |
by , 9 years ago
Attachment: | 2015-01-06_stitchedTogetherInCorrectlyButInRightCRS.png added |
Improperly stitched, but in EPSG:4326 CRS
comment:1 by , 9 years ago
Two things :
- You should pass the 2 images in the same gdalwarp command "gdalwarp -rpc in1.tif in2.tif out.tif". If you do in several times, it will not increase the raster dimension & georeferenced extent of the first output.
- You could try removing the .TFW files as I'm wondering if they don't confuse gdalwarp
comment:2 by , 9 years ago
Tried the following:
- Passing both images into the same gdalwarp command. No improvement.
- Passing both images into the same gdalwarp command, without the TFW files. No improvement.
- Processing each image separately, without the TFW files. No improvement.
comment:3 by , 9 years ago
gdalwarp -rpc -dstnodata 0 -r cubic first.tif second.tif output.tif
comment:4 by , 9 years ago
Description: | modified (diff) |
comment:5 by , 9 years ago
Just to be sure: did you think of removing the output file or using -overwrite
comment:7 by , 9 years ago
Cc: | added |
Hum, there's something weird in the gdalinfo output of the 2 images. The RPC values are strictly the same so it means the files should overlap perfectly.
Ah I see in the file list that they refer to the same RPC_PHR1A_MS_201509141606268_SEN_1627093101-002.XML which must explain the behaviour you see.
CC'ing Dmitry as I think this is related to the MDReader.
comment:8 by , 9 years ago
The Pleiades/Airbus don't provide the RPC for each tile. So trying to warp each separate tile (in the case of multiple tiles) is wrong. You need to create the VRT file for such tiled image and add RPC into Metadata section.
Unfortunately there is no support out of the box for Pleiades tiled images like is done for SPOT (http://gdal.org/frmt_various.html#DIMAP) or DigitalGlobe (https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/trunk/gdal/frmts/til/tildataset.cpp), Even maybe correct me here.
In Pleiades imagery samples, that I got from Airbus site there were no tiled imagery, so I add RPC to metadata. It can be easily removed, but I prefer to treat this situation (tile with RPC of the whole image) as follows - some additional information.
comment:9 by , 9 years ago
"You need to create the VRT file for such tiled image and add RPC into Metadata section."
OK. Can you point me to a link, wiki, or some other doc to guide me through that process? If that's the case, I'll try it by hand and then, if it works, then I'll build a python script to do it automatically for all of the AB/P data we get.
comment:10 by , 9 years ago
Here it is: http://gdal.org/gdal_vrttut.html
Also you can try this command line utility: http://gdal.org/gdalbuildvrt.html and than change it in any text editor.
comment:11 by , 9 years ago
After reading the tutorial and the RPC22 document (I found online), I think I have a notion about what needs to happen here. I'll give it a whirl over the weekend and get back with you on success/failure.
comment:12 by , 9 years ago
I tested the <Metadata> tag - unfortunately I cannot add metadata to the RPC Metadata domain (http://gdal.org/gdal_datamodel.html) of vrt file. It seems to me that the only way is to export the result vrt to some raster format (geotiff, jp2, etc.) supported by mdreader and put near the RPC in sonamed file in some supported format (RPB, RPC, etc).
comment:13 by , 9 years ago
Dmitry, here's an example of a VRT with RPC : https://svn.osgeo.org/gdal/trunk/autotest/gcore/data/rpc.vrt if that was your question
comment:15 by , 9 years ago
Worked like a charm! I am building a Python script to do it automatically. I'm willing to share it, provided you tolerate my amateurish coding style. :) I'm still new to Python.
comment:16 by , 8 years ago
Milestone: | 2.0.2 → 2.0.3 |
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
Properly stitched, not in CRS