Opened 12 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#4789 closed defect (invalid)

can't handle grib file

Reported by: madi Owned by: warmerdam
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: default Version: 1.9.1
Severity: normal Keywords: grib


Looks like gdal has some problem in reading the geolocation from some grib files. gdalinfo says:

{{{ Un-handled possible ensemble section center 78 subcenter 255 [... several times, cut] Un-handled possible ensemble section center 78 subcenter 255 Driver: GRIB/GRIdded Binary (.grb) Files: /home/leomarg/Desktop/Fire_event_test_case_Valencia/grib/dwd_grib1_ispra_gmi202_2012063000 Size is 201, 161 Coordinate System is: GEOGCS["Coordinate System imported from GRIB file",



PRIMEM["Greenwich",0], UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]]

Origin = (-10.000000000000000,74.960000000000008) Pixel Size = (0.000000000000000,-0.000000000000000) Corner Coordinates: Upper Left ( -10.0000000, 74.9600000) ( 10d 0' 0.00"W, 74d57'36.00"N) Lower Left ( -10.0000000, 74.9600000) ( 10d 0' 0.00"W, 74d57'36.00"N) Upper Right ( -10.0000000, 74.9600000) ( 10d 0' 0.00"W, 74d57'36.00"N) Lower Right ( -10.0000000, 74.9600000) ( 10d 0' 0.00"W, 74d57'36.00"N) Center ( -10.0000000, 74.9600000) ( 10d 0' 0.00"W, 74d57'36.00"N) Band 1 Block=201x1 Type=Float64, ColorInterp=Undefined

Description = 10[m] HTGL (Specified height level above ground) Metadata:

GRIB_COMMENT=u-component (zonal) of wind [m/s] GRIB_ELEMENT=U GRIB_FORECAST_SECONDS=0 sec GRIB_REF_TIME= 1341014400 sec UTC GRIB_SHORT_NAME=10-HTGL GRIB_UNIT=[m/s] GRIB_VALID_TIME= 1341014400 sec UTC

Band 2 Block=201x1 Type=Float64, ColorInterp=Undefined

Description = 10[m] HTGL (Specified height level above ground) Metadata:

GRIB_COMMENT=v-component (merdional) of wind [m/s] GRIB_ELEMENT=V GRIB_FORECAST_SECONDS=0 sec GRIB_REF_TIME= 1341014400 sec UTC GRIB_SHORT_NAME=10-HTGL GRIB_UNIT=[m/s] GRIB_VALID_TIME= 1341014400 sec UTC

[...] }}}

In order to check what is inside the grib file, I just installed the grib API [1] and ran

grib_dump dwd_grib1_ispra_gmi202_2012063000 > tst.txt

The information I get looking into the txt file is:

{{{* FILE: dwd_grib1_ispra_gmi202_2012063000 #============== MESSAGE 1 ( length=68884 ) ============== GRIB {

editionNumber = 1; table2Version = 2; # Offenbach (RSMC) (grib1/0.table) centre = 78; generatingProcessIdentifier = 207; # U U-component of wind m s-1 (grib1/2.0.2.table) indicatorOfParameter = 33; # Fixed height above ground height in meters (2 octets) (grib1/3.table) indicatorOfTypeOfLevel = 105; level = 10; # Initialized analysis product for reference time (P1=0) (grib1/5.table) timeRangeIndicator = 1; # Unknown code table entry () subCentre = 255; paramId = 165; #-READ ONLY- units = m s-1; #-READ ONLY- nameECMF = 10 metre U wind component; #-READ ONLY- name = 10 metre U wind component; decimalScaleFactor = 0; dataDate = 20120630; dataTime = 0; # Hour (stepUnits.table) stepUnits = 1; stepRange = 0; startStep = 0; endStep = 0; #-READ ONLY- marsParam = 33.2; shortName = 10u; GDSPresent = 1; bitmapPresent = 1; numberOfVerticalCoordinateValues = 0; Ni = 201; Nj = 161; latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees = 35; longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees = -10; earthIsOblate = 0; uvRelativeToGrid = 0; latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees = 74.96; longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees = 40.04; iScansNegatively = 0; jScansPositively = 1; jPointsAreConsecutive = 0; #-READ ONLY- alternativeRowScanning = 0; jDirectionIncrementInDegrees = 0.24975; iDirectionIncrementInDegrees = 0.2502; #-READ ONLY- numberOfDataPoints = 32361; #-READ ONLY- numberOfValues = 32361; missingValue = 9999; tableReference = 0; #-READ ONLY- binaryScaleFactor = -11; #-READ ONLY- referenceValue = -11.346; sphericalHarmonics = 0; complexPacking = 0; integerPointValues = 0; additionalFlagPresent = 0; packingType = grid_simple; bitsPerValue = 16; values(32361) = { 1.5509548187e+00, 1.4977321625e+00, 1.5494899750e+00, 1.6993923187e+00, 1.9513454437e+00, 2.2316188812e+00, 2.5079860687e+00, 2.7740993500e+00, 3.0099391937e+00, 3.2716579437e+00, 3.5905056000e+00, 3.9567165375e+00, 4.3610134125e+00, 4.6178493500e+00, 4.2081813812e+00, 1.7648220062e+00, 1.5626735687e+00, 1.2032985687e+00, 6.4226341248e-01, 4.3620872498e-01, 6.7986106873e-01, -9.1135025024e-02, 8.1716537476e-02, 2.3650169373e-01, 5.7488059998e-01, 8.7077903748e-01, 3.6931419373e-01, -2.2541236877e-01, -7.8439712524e-02, -6.3312721252e-01, -7.3127174377e-01, -3.0500221252e-01, 4.7087669373e-01, 8.9812278748e-01, 7.7019309998e-01, 6.2175559998e-01, 7.5798606873e-01, 6.8425559998e-01, 9.6941184998e-01, 1.1735134125e+00, 7.9851341248e-01, 2.5163841248e-01, -6.4386940002e-01, -1.0427951813e+00, -9.9543190002e-01, -2.3191623688e+00, -1.5120334625e+00, 5.5388450623e-01, 1.7501735687e+00, 1.6022243500e+00, -1.3963108063e+00, -2.5066623688e+00, -2.1536350250e+00, -2.0496311188e+00, -1.8875217438e+00, -1.5056858063e+00, -7.7424049377e-01, -8.3283424377e-01, -9.7248268127e-01, -6.6681861877e-01, -1.1380100250e+00, -2.5716037750e+00, -3.6634006500e+00, -3.5447483063e+00, -2.6272678375e+00, -1.4226779938e+00, -9.0168190002e-01, -8.6750221252e-01, -1.0720920563e+00, -1.6135959625e+00, -1.5720920563e+00, -1.0823459625e+00, -9.9201393127e-01, -5.9504127502e-01, -7.6105690002e-01, -1.1116428375e+00, -7.0002174377e-01, -2.5861549377e-01, -2.4201393127e-01, 2.2673606873e-01, 5.2907943726e-02, -4.4318580627e-01, -6.2287330627e-01, -6.9855690002e-01, -7.3615455627e-01, -1.9607639313e+00, -2.2805881500e+00, -2.2483615875e+00, -2.0520725250e+00, -1.8782444000e+00, -1.7024631500e+00, -1.4602756500e+00, -1.1492404938e+00, -8.0695533752e-01, -4.1486549377e-01, 4.3142318726e-02, 5.3532981873e-01, 9.9675559998e-01, 1.4259548187e+00, 1.8199977875e+00 ... 32261 more values } #-READ ONLY- numberOfCodedValues = 32361; #-READ ONLY- maximum = 13.5881; #-READ ONLY- minimum = -11.346; #-READ ONLY- average = 0.101585; #-READ ONLY- numberOfMissing = 0; #-READ ONLY- standardDeviation = 3.29306; #-READ ONLY- skewness = -29313.5; #-READ ONLY- kurtosis = 1.62527e+07; #-READ ONLY- isConstant = 0; gridType = regular_ll; #-READ ONLY- getNumberOfValues = 32361;


I attach the grib file.

See also Even's reply in ML



Change History (4)

comment:1 by Even Rouault, 12 years ago

There's no grib file attached

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by madi, 12 years ago

Replying to rouault:

There's no grib file attached

Sorry it was too large and I couldn't eventually attach it. If anyone is interested I can send it by private email.


comment:3 by Jukka Rahkonen, 10 years ago

I believe that without sample file nobody will touch this ticket ever. Best thing to do would be to make a smaller grid file that shows the problem, second best to put the big file somewhere for downloading. Private mail can be used if copyright does not allow free access to data.

comment:4 by Madi, 10 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Hi, time has passed and I don't remember anymore the problem, probably I solved using grib api. I'm closing this ticket, feel free to reopen or open a new one in case someone else should run into same problem. Thank you.

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