Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#85 closed enhancement (fixed)

Legend widget: Capability to customize the legend

Reported by: aboudreault Owned by: madair
Priority: P2 Milestone: 1.1
Component: Widgets Version: 1.0.6
Severity: Major Keywords:
Cc: Browser: All
External ID: Operating System: All
state: Approved


I think we can apply the same pattern that i made for the SelectionPanel (see #71) to the Legend widget. In fact, it's only to allow the same freedom that SelectionPanel do. The user will be able to set a function for generate his legend or create a renderer for a new complex behavior. I know there are some tickets that need to be fixed for this widget and some refactoring for performance issues...... so i would like to know if you prefer that i wait before make some work in this widget.

Attachments (1)

legendRenderer.patch (13.9 KB ) - added by aboudreault 17 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (8)

comment:1 by aboudreault, 17 years ago

Summary: Legend widget: Capability to customize display resultsLegend widget: Capability to customize the legend

comment:2 by pagameba, 17 years ago

Alan, the other issues that have been reported are all related to the code that turns layers/groups on/off which exists outside of the legend widget I believe. Please go ahead and propose your change to the legend widget - I have at least one new renderer to implement already!

Actually, I'd like you to do this as a new widget, perhaps called LayerControl (?). This could supersede the existing Legend and LayerManager widgets, which we would then retrofit to extend the LayerControl widget with their own custom renderer.

comment:3 by aboudreault, 17 years ago

Owner: changed from madair to aboudreault

I commited a first version in my sandbox.

by aboudreault, 17 years ago

Attachment: legendRenderer.patch added

comment:4 by madair, 17 years ago

Owner: changed from aboudreault to madair
Status: newassigned

Reviewed and overall I would support adding this to trunk. The example VerySimpleLegend in the HowToCustomizeLegend wiki page doesn't work well with the standard samples because of a different group/layer layout but it's just an example that can be modified. Also there was an extra comma problem in the LegendRenderer class.

comment:5 by pagameba, 17 years ago

Alan, please clean up the patch as suggested by Mike and then go ahead and commit. You deserve the credit.

comment:6 by pagameba, 17 years ago

state: NewApproved

comment:7 by aboudreault, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Committed to SVN trunk r1467

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