Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#116 closed enhancement (fixed)

Add Taiwan systems for the coordsys dictionary for existing datums [HU-TZU-G67-MOD] and [TWD1997]

Reported by: baertelchen Owned by: baertelchen
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Dictionaries Version:
Keywords: coordsys.asc add taiwan system Cc:


This ticket is to add a few Taiwan systems to the coordsys dictionary.

Currently, the datums.asc dictionary contains the datums [HU-TZU-G67-MOD] (EPSG ID 1025) and [TWD1997] (EPSG ID 1026). However, we've no coordinate system that would be using these.

In particular, we don't have the systems for EPSG IDs 3821, 3827 and 3828 (for HU-TZU-G67-MOD)


3824, 3825, 3826 (for TWD1997).

Change History (1)

comment:1 by baertelchen, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed in changeset 2138 (, trunk) and changeset 2139 (, branches/13.10/).

Added 6 new Taiwan systems to the coordsys.asc dictionary:

TAIWAN1967.LL (EPSG ID 3821) TAIWAN1997.LL (EPSG ID 3824)

TAIWAN1997-TM2-119 (EPSG ID 3825, referenced to TAIWAN1997.LL) TAIWAN1997-TM2-121 (EPSG ID 3826, referenced to TAIWAN1997.LL)

TAIWAN1967-TM2-119 (EPSG ID 3827, referenced to TAIWAN1967.LL) TAIWAN1967-TM2-121 (EPSG ID 3828, referenced to TAIWAN1967.LL)

All these new systems are filed under the existing category [Taiwan] in category.asc.

The NameMapper.csv file has been updated to map between the new CSMAP codes and their respective EPSG IDs.

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