Opened 14 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#9 closed defect (invalid)

Python mapscript Segmentation fault with SWIG Parameter

Reported by: brfr Owned by: aboudreault
Component: MapServer Severity: normal
Keywords: Python mapscript SWIG OWSRequest Cc:



I have a problem with python mapscript concerning the OWSRequest. Whenever I pass an URL to setParameter and call OWSDispatch(request) mapscript crashes with a segfault. A small snippet for testing:

request = mapscript.OWSRequest() request.setParameter('LAYERS','post') request.setParameter('SLD', '') request.setParameter('FORMAT','image/png') request.setParameter('SERVICE','WMS') request.setParameter('VERSION','1.1.1') request.setParameter('REQUEST','GetMap') request.setParameter('STYLES',) request.setParameter('EXCEPTIONS','application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage') request.setParameter('SRS','EPSG:2169') request.setParameter('BBOX','64757.194165115,66551.046310101,89442.805834885,83748.953689899') request.setParameter('WIDTH','1399') request.setParameter('HEIGHT','975')

map = mapscript.mapObj('/usr/local/mapconf/share/') map.OWSDispatch(request)

Map debug level is 5, console output is: brfr@E033:/usr/local/www$ python Content-type: image/png

Segmentation fault

I am using the following sources: deb hardy main deb-src hardy main

Whenever I pass the request to the mapserver cgi all works as expected. It seems the parameter parser for python mapscript uses another parser than cgi-mapserver. Using urllib.quote, urllib.quote_plus doesn't help any further.

I did a

apt-get build-dep python-mapscript

and downloaded the latest mapserver source from (5.6.6). In the mapserver source directory:

./configure --enable-debug --with-ogr --with-gdal with-wfs make

then I went into the mapscript/python directory and did a python build

I copied my test script into the mapscript directory, renamed (the module) to just to avoid importing the wrong module and did my test again (with import mapscript2 as mapscript) - and I get some binaryish characters back on the console, so I can report that it works with a self compiled version.

See and for a report discussion


Change History (1)

comment:1 by Bas Couwenberg, 8 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Apparently nobody handles Trac tickets. Closing this ancient issue as the Ubuntu release in question is EOL.

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