Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#1702 closed defect (invalid)

SetSRID, ST_Transform and geometry_columns in sync?

Reported by: darkblueb Owned by: pramsey
Priority: medium Milestone: PostGIS 2.0.0
Component: postgis Version: master
Keywords: Cc:


-- the following sequence is an exposition on 
--     SetSRID, Transform and the geometry_columns VIEW
-- Are the expectations of the relationships here clearly defined? 
-- Is this the behavior desired in 2.0 Final ?

geom_test=# create table test1 (pkey integer PRIMARY KEY, the_geom geometry);
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "test1_pkey" for table "test1"

geom_test=# create index t_geom_idx on test1 using GIST(the_geom);

geom_test=# \d
             List of relations
 Schema |       Name        | Type  | Owner 
 public | geography_columns | view  | dbb
 public | geometry_columns  | view  | dbb
 public | spatial_ref_sys   | table | dbb
 public | test1             | table | dbb
(4 rows)

-- INSERT a geometry with no intrinsic projection defined
geom_test=# insert into test1 VALUES (1,'POINT(1 1)');

geom_test=# select * from geometry_columns ;
 f_table_catalog | f_table_schema | f_table_name | f_geometry_column | coord_dimension | srid |   type   
 geom_test       | public         | test1        | the_geom          |               2 |    0 | GEOMETRY

geom_test=# insert into test1 VALUES (2,st_geomfromEWKT('SRID=3310;POINT(1 1)'));

-- geometry_columns VIEW shows no knowledge of the new POINT with intrinsic SRID
geom_test=# select * from geometry_columns ;
 f_table_catalog | f_table_schema | f_table_name | f_geometry_column | coord_dimension | srid |   type   
 geom_test       | public         | test1        | the_geom          |               2 |    0 | GEOMETRY

-- explicitly SetSRID on ALL POINTS
geom_test=# select st_setSRID(the_geom,3310) from test1;
(2 rows)

-- geometry_columns still shows no knowledge of intrinsic SRIDs after SetSRID
geom_test=# select * from geometry_columns ;
 f_table_catalog | f_table_schema | f_table_name | f_geometry_column | coord_dimension | srid |   type   
 geom_test       | public         | test1        | the_geom          |               2 |    0 | GEOMETRY

--  geometry binary unchanged, also
geom_test=# select st_asEWKT(the_geom) from test1;
 POINT(1 1)
 SRID=3310;POINT(1 1)
(2 rows)

-- now add a new POINT with intrinsic SRID
geom_test=# insert into test1 VALUES (3,st_geomfromEWKT('SRID=3310;POINT(2 2)'));

geom_test=# select st_asEWKT(the_geom) from test1;
 POINT(1 1)
 SRID=3310;POINT(1 1)
 SRID=3310;POINT(2 2)
(3 rows)

--  transform binary geometry contents
geom_test=# update test1 set the_geom = st_transform(the_geom,4326) where pkey = 3;
geom_test=# select st_asEWKT(the_geom) from test1;
 POINT(1 1)
 SRID=3310;POINT(1 1)
 SRID=4326;POINT(-119.999977189465 38.0163834586186)
(3 rows)

--  no reflection in geometry_columns VIEW ?
geom_test=# select * from geometry_columns ;
 f_table_catalog | f_table_schema | f_table_name | f_geometry_column | coord_dimension | srid |   type   
 geom_test       | public         | test1        | the_geom          |               2 |    0 | GEOMETRY

--  explitly call setSRID on top of instrinsic SRID on third POINT
geom_test=# select st_setSRID(the_geom,4326) from test1 where pkey = 3;
(1 row)

-- an attempt to transform all POINTs is caught on POINT 1 w/o instrinsic SRID
geom_test=# update test1 set the_geom = st_transform(the_geom,4326);
ERROR:  Input geometry has unknown (0) SRID

geom_test=# select pkey,st_asEWKT(the_geom) from test1;
 pkey |                      st_asewkt                      
    1 | POINT(1 1)
    2 | SRID=3310;POINT(1 1)
    3 | SRID=4326;POINT(-119.999977189465 38.0163834586186)
(3 rows)

--  geometry_columns VIEW does not reflect any change 
 f_table_catalog | f_table_schema | f_table_name | f_geometry_column | coord_dimension | srid |   type   
 geom_test       | public         | test1        | the_geom          |               2 |    0 | GEOMETRY
(1 row)

Change History (2)

comment:1 by robe, 12 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

dbb — yes this is the behavior we want.

geometry_columns works off the definition of your column not what you put in it. What you put in it is constrained by what the definition allows.

You defined your column as an unconstrained geometry column, which means you are free to throw in whatever crap geometry you want in it.

Think of geometry_columns as metadata listing WHAT IS ALLOWED, not WHAT IS IN the table. How owuld you expect an empty table to display?

NOTE: You either have to define your geometry column as


or use AddGeometryColumn with use_typmod=false to get a constraint constrained geometry column.

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