Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#144 closed task (fixed)

Hard/soft upgrade need to be tested

Reported by: pramsey Owned by: pramsey
Priority: high Milestone: PostGIS 1.4.0
Component: postgis Version: 1.4.X
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by robe)

'ii) In terms of upgrading from 1.3, I've just remembered that Olivier altered the signature of the ST_AsSVG() function, plus I've altered the ST_Extent() function signature with GBT#93. So we really need to put these changes into the PostGIS soft/hard upgrade scripts. Paul, are you able to take a look at this?'

Change History (4)

comment:1 by colivier, 16 years ago

From 1.3 to 1.4 on export functions prototypes and parameters values changes:

ST_AsGML add an optional fourth 'option' parameter: text ST_AsGML(integer version, geometry g1, integer precision, integer options);

ST_AsGML and ST_AsKML precision parameter refered to decimal digits (rather than siginificant digits)

ST_AsGeoJson options values are now:

  • 0: means no option (default value)
  • 1: GeoJSON Bbox
  • 2: GeoJSON Short CRS (e.g EPSG:4326)
  • 4: GeoJSON Long CRS (e.g urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326)

Rather than:

— Olivier

comment:2 by robe, 16 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Priority: high

comment:3 by pramsey, 16 years ago

Resolution: acceptedfixed
Status: assignedclosed

Hard upgrade tested and updated. Seems to work fine from 1.3 → 1.4. Soft upgrade tested and updated. We have some dropped signatures where there are no new definitions for old functions.

 histogram2d_in          | $libdir/liblwgeom
 st_histogram2d_in       | $libdir/liblwgeom
 histogram2d_out         | $libdir/liblwgeom
 st_histogram2d_out      | $libdir/liblwgeom
 dump                    | $libdir/liblwgeom
 create_histogram2d      | $libdir/liblwgeom
 st_create_histogram2d   | $libdir/liblwgeom
 build_histogram2d       | $libdir/liblwgeom
 st_build_histogram2d    | $libdir/liblwgeom
 explode_histogram2d     | $libdir/liblwgeom
 st_explode_histogram2d  | $libdir/liblwgeom
 estimate_histogram2d    | $libdir/liblwgeom
 st_estimate_histogram2d | $libdir/liblwgeom
 postgis_jts_version     | $libdir/liblwgeom
 text                    | $libdir/liblwgeom
 st_text                 | $libdir/liblwgeom
 jtsnoop                 | $libdir/liblwgeom
 _st_asgml               | $libdir/liblwgeom

I think this is an non-issue.

comment:4 by pramsey, 13 years ago

Version: 1.41.4.X
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