Opened 13 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#2273 closed defect (fixed)

Replace kbool with a truly free library

Reported by: volter Owned by: dburken
Priority: normal Milestone: OSSIM 2.0
Component: Algorithms/Functionality Version:
Severity: normal Keywords: legal license gpl library


Please replace kbool with truly free software. The website of the developer says:

"Notice kbool is GPL licensed, commercial use not allowed, see main page fro more info."

Aside from that being contradictive, the author states in detail:

"The code is written by Klaas Holwerda, it is free to use for non commercial open source projects licensed as GPL. If you need a commercial license, contact me.- mail me ."

I therefore think there is no other solution than to replace it. Even if your bundled version is under a different license, you should not keep it. Most Linux distributions follow the rule of not bundling third party libraries in packages. They therefore need to un-bundle them and create additional packages.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by volter, 12 years ago

This ticket is a blocker to including ossim into Fedora/EPEL/ELGIS, consequently blocking or complicating the inclusion of Opticks and Orfeo Toolbox.

comment:2 by gpotts, 12 years ago

Owner: changed from potts@… to dburken

comment:3 by gpotts, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

The code is now removed and replace with the use of lingoes

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