Opened 18 years ago
Closed 18 years ago
#81 closed task (fixed) migration to OSGeo
Reported by: | warmerdam | Owned by: | warmerdam |
Priority: | major | Milestone: | |
Component: | SysAdmin | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Mateusz Łoskot, hobu |
Description ¶
On April 1st the contract for the existing server expires. I would like to have the GDAL services hosted at migrated to OSGeo/telascience by then.
1) - a doxygen generated website + the primary download directory. this includes the fwtools download area.
2) - a few datasets made available through MapServer via WMS, and WCS (SRTM30, and a big landsat mosaic of south america) This isn't critical, but some of my test scripts do run against it.
3) some bittorrent peering for
4) - my personal web site which I'll move to a shared hosting service I've been paying for and not using for a while (one of those $10/month type services).
Change History (5)
comment:1 by , 18 years ago
Status: | new → assigned |
comment:2 by , 18 years ago
comment:3 by , 18 years ago
I also just remembered, I also serve the ftp server off this machine. I'd like to handle this as a simmilar ftp setup for everything on and map to
comment:4 by , 18 years ago
I have modified to point to the new blade (same as, instead of being a CNAME. When we are done, it should likely be changed into a CNAME pointing to again.
I have reconfigured the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf on the .219 blade, pulling out all the OSGeo specific stuff into .conf files for the different sites under /etc/httpd/conf.d/sites, as well as adding a file for the gdal site.
I have uninstalled the system doxygen, and built and installed Doxygen 1.5.1 from source in /usr/local.
I have setup a /osgeo/gdal tree in which the web site (subdirectory gdal-web) and a source tree (subdirectory gdal) live.
I have setup a script at /osgeo/gdal/ to refresh the source tree from subversion, and then rebuild the web site.
I linked /osgeo/gdal/gdal-web/dl to /osgeo/download/gdal.
I am setting up a cron job to refresh the web site frequently. It will run as "frankw" who also owns the site.
comment:5 by , 18 years ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | assigned → closed |
Torrents were setup on stuff was setup by Mateusz.
Transition Complete!
A few additional notes: