Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#2965 assigned defect

Umlaut with VirtualSpatialData — at Version 3

Reported by: MatthiasHeber Owned by: dmorissette
Priority: normal Milestone: 6.0 release
Component: OGR Support Version: unspecified
Severity: normal Keywords: ovf umlaute
Cc: warmerdam, chaitanya, dmorissette, aboudreault

Description (last modified by warmerdam)

Moin, in MapServer 5.0.0 the ovf-file works well with Umlaute (e.g. ü, ä, ...). In MS 5.2.x the VirtualSpatialData connection supplies no result if there are Umlaute.


Change History (5)

by MatthiasHeber, 15 years ago

Attachment: ovf.jpg added

extract of mapfile and ovf-file

comment:1 by dmorissette, 15 years ago

Cc: warmerdam added
Milestone: 6.0 release

I don't see the umlautes in the ovf.jpg attachment. Are they in the OVF file or in the actual attribute values? Can you please test with "OGRINFO" at the command-line on that OVF file and see if it has the same problem?

Also, on which OS are you running and which version of GDAL/OGR are you using in both cases? If you use MS4W then what are the two MS4W versions that you were using/comparing?

comment:2 by matthiasheber, 15 years ago

Oh, sorry. I had described it imprecise. The umlautes are in the attributes of the database. The ogrinfo is in the attachment (ogrinfo.jpg).

I'm using a Laptop with Windows XP-64bit, SP 2; Microsoft SQL-Server 2005 SP 3; 32-bit-ODBC-driver is SQLSRV32.dll, Version 200.86.3959.00.

The working ms4w-version is ms4w-2.2.6 (php 5.2.4, Mapserver 5.0.0 and Mapscript, Revision 6872). The malfunctioned version is ms4w-2.3.1.

Possibly interesting is that we use NVARCHAR respectively NCHAR-datatypes (unicode UCS-2 LE).

by matthiasheber, 15 years ago

Attachment: ogrinfo.jpg added

the ogrinfo of the ovf-file

comment:3 by warmerdam, 15 years ago

Cc: chaitanya added
Description: modified (diff)


Could you please use the command "ogrinfo test.ovr test" so that ogrinfo actually reports on the features of the test layer? We are wanting to check if ogrinfo reports the umlautes properly (in which case this is a mapserver problem) or if the problem is with OGR itself. It would also be helpful to confirm the GDAL/OGR version, which you can do with the command "ogrinfo --version".

There were significant changes in GDAL 1.6.0 with regard to the ODBC driver and NVARCHAR fields - to ensure that they are captures as UTF-8. If the problem turns out to be with the ODBC driver we will need more details on how to create an ODBC datasource which demonstrates this problem.

Adding Chaitanya as a cc: as I'll likely ask him to review the problem if it turns out to be OGR's ODBC driver.

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