Opened 13 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#2116 closed enhancement (fixed)

mg-desktop: Support for pre-defined Search Commands

Reported by: bassonsh Owned by: jng
Priority: medium Milestone:
Component: Desktop API Version: 2.4.0
Severity: minor Keywords:
Cc: External ID:



I am using the mg-desktop viewer and would like to have the custom search functionality on the properties of my existing layers. Similar to the web viewer. Is there an existing control or component that i can just drop in the viewer window and then point to the layers i want to be searchable? As a last resort is there maybe a .net example with code i could use or is there even such functionality for the mg-desktop viewer?

Thanks. Shaun

Change History (12)

comment:1 by jng, 13 years ago

Type: taskenhancement

There's a Generic Query Component that you can use, though it may be too complex for what you're after. If you want something akin to Search Commands in the AJAX viewer, we currently don't have anything approaching that in the mg-desktop viewer, though it would be quite easy to implement.

by bassonsh, 13 years ago

Attachment: QueryWindow.docx added

comment:2 by bassonsh, 13 years ago


Yes the search commands is what i'm looking for. I see that you do have a search window (exactly what i'm looking for) in the .net MapviewerTest.exe (See attached). That part is not included in the sample source code that you made available last. Can you maybe make that source code available please? Or something similar if you have something available? Or does this require quite a bit of coding to get that result?

Thanks in advance. Shaun

comment:3 by jng, 13 years ago

Milestone: Maestro-5.0

All source code to mg-desktop and its viewer and samples is readily available here:

All you need is a subversion client (see here)

comment:4 by bassonsh, 13 years ago

Great! Thanks, will check it out.

Regards, Shaun

comment:5 by jng, 13 years ago

One more thing. That link points to only the "mg-desktop" portion of the repository, but if you want to build all of mg-desktop then you need to svn checkout the entire parent "MgDev" tree.

comment:6 by bassonsh, 13 years ago

Thanks. I'm really just interested in using the viewer with some search functionality.

comment:7 by bassonsh, 13 years ago

Ok maybe i'm approaching this the wrong way. Why can i not just download the source code from, open the .sln file, point the references to the right folder that contains those dll files, build and run?? There are always so many things to fix up and i still cant get it to compile? Is there not a file that one can run after downloading the solution that will check and basically 'correct' or setup the entire environment or atleast an instruction document that tells you exactly what one will have to fix up where (in rookie programmers language :-)) in order for the solution to run? Am i doing something wrong?

comment:8 by jng, 13 years ago

Sure, if you're only interested in building the .net bits you can indeed just download the "Desktop" directory.

Unzip the latest mg-desktop binaries, and put them under bin\Release and copy these assemblies to bin\Assemblies:

This will satisfy all the required references to build the .net projects.

But the way things are set up, it assumes the whole dependent stack of C++ libraries have been built up first (any dll not starting with OSGeo.MapGuide is a C++ one), before you can even get to compile the mg-desktop .net projects

  1. FDO
  2. All libraries under MgDev\Oem
  3. All libraries under MgDev\Commmon
  4. MgDesktop.dll
  5. SWIG glue dlls (one that end with *UnmanagedApi.dll)
  6. SWIG-generated .net wrapper assemblies

If you follow my above instructions. You can shortcut the above steps.

comment:9 by bassonsh, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Thanks, That helped. I'm sorted now.

comment:10 by jng, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened
Summary: Task Pane search functionalitymg-desktop: Support for pre-defined Search Commands

Re-opening as the idea of pre-defined "Search Commands" still has plenty of merit worth pursuing

comment:11 by jng, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

Implemented r7067

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