Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#182 closed defect (invalid)

Mapguide can't insert features into some SDFs

Reported by: Nakagawa Owned by:
Priority: medium Milestone:
Component: Feature Service Version:
Severity: major Keywords:
Cc: External ID:


Mapguide can't insert features into some SDFs, especially into empty SDFs like attached "Test2.sdf". On the other hand, insertion into attached “Test.sdf” works. Difference between these SDFs are:

  1. Existence of the data.
  2. Whether geometry field’s “fdo:srsName” attribute is set or not.

Their schema are totally same.

Attachments (9)

Test2.sdf (350.0 KB ) - added by Nakagawa 18 years ago.
Test.1 (512.0 KB ) - added by Nakagawa 18 years ago.
split file of Test1.sdf (1 of 4)
Test.2 (512.0 KB ) - added by Nakagawa 18 years ago.
split file of Test.sdf (2 of 4)
Test.3 (512.0 KB ) - added by Nakagawa 18 years ago.
split file of Test.sdf (3 of 4)
Test.2.3 (512.0 KB ) - added by Nakagawa 18 years ago.
split file of Test.sdf (3 of 4)
Test.4 (411.5 KB ) - added by Nakagawa 18 years ago.
split file of Test.sdf (4 of 4)
Test.bat (54 bytes ) - added by Nakagawa 18 years ago.
a bat file that combines test.1 to test.4
original.jpg (49.0 KB ) - added by Nakagawa 18 years ago.
loaded.jpg (85.0 KB ) - added by Nakagawa 18 years ago.

Change History (10)

by Nakagawa, 18 years ago

Attachment: Test2.sdf added

by Nakagawa, 18 years ago

Attachment: Test.1 added

split file of Test1.sdf (1 of 4)

by Nakagawa, 18 years ago

Attachment: Test.2 added

split file of Test.sdf (2 of 4)

by Nakagawa, 18 years ago

Attachment: Test.3 added

split file of Test.sdf (3 of 4)

by Nakagawa, 18 years ago

Attachment: Test.2.3 added

split file of Test.sdf (3 of 4)

by Nakagawa, 18 years ago

Attachment: Test.4 added

split file of Test.sdf (4 of 4)

by Nakagawa, 18 years ago

Attachment: Test.bat added

a bat file that combines test.1 to test.4

comment:1 by Nakagawa, 18 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

I've found that's the Studio's bug. Test2.sdf contains no features. It's identity property "Autogenerated_SDF_ID" is set to be autogenerated and read-only (see attached "original.jpg"). When it's loaded via Sutdio to e.g. "Library://Samples/Data/Test2.FeatureSource", autogenerated and read-only attributes are lost (see attached "loaded.jpg").

When it comes to Test.sdf, loading works. Test.sdf has 3 features.

I'm sorry.

by Nakagawa, 18 years ago

Attachment: original.jpg added

by Nakagawa, 18 years ago

Attachment: loaded.jpg added
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