Opened 18 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#164 closed defect (wontfix)

SetResource doesn't validate featurename in layerdefinitions

Reported by: anonymous Owned by:
Priority: low Milestone:
Component: Resource Service Version:
Severity: minor Keywords:
Cc: External ID: 939554


Featurename's passed in layerdefintion's should be validated when they are uploaded via SetResource and an error should be thrown if they don't exist.

It maybe useful to allow this to be overridden to allow batch uploads of resources without walking along a dependancy tree.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by zspitzer, 18 years ago

sorry, wasn't logged in when i created the log

comment:2 by waltweltonlair, 18 years ago

I don't think validation of the feature source name should be done. If I'm creating a new layer then I should be able to upload the layer definition and feature source resources in any order. If we validate the feature source name then I'd have to upload the feature source first. Furthermore, even with validation you can't prevent layers from having invalid feature source references since you could later delete a referenced feature source.

Of course the server should gracefully handle the case when a layer's feature source is not found. This means:

  • not crashing
  • throwing the proper exception
  • logging a message to the error log

comment:3 by zspitzer, 18 years ago

how about a validateResource argument or method then?

comment:4 by rexszeto, 18 years ago

External ID: 939554

comment:5 by tomfukushima, 18 years ago

Milestone: 1.21.3

comment:6 by tomfukushima, 17 years ago

Milestone: 2.0

comment:7 by jbirch, 15 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed
Version: 1.2.0

I believe that the Maestro validity checker takes care of post-upload validation nicely. If not, please enter an enhancement rather than defect.

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