Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#159 closed defect (fixed)

Coordinate System Overrides Not Working for ODBC or MySQL

Reported by: amorsell@… Owned by: ronnielouie
Priority: high Milestone:
Component: AJAX Viewer Version: 1.2.0
Severity: major Keywords:
Cc: External ID: 939549


This worked in 1.2.0 beta 1 but is no longer working in 1.2.0 beta 2. I have a MySQL table with lat lon fields. I created an ODBC data connection to it and specified these fields as the geometry. The coordinate system is set as LL in Autodesk MapGuide Studio. When viewing this data in a map with a different coordinate system, the data is not drawn in the transformed location. However, a custom search command to the same layer will zoom to that points Lat Lon coordinates where they are also drawn on the map.

The same thing happens if I use a MySQL data connection with lat lon point geometry defined in the table. The data connection has the coordinate system override set to LL.

Change History (10)

comment:1 by tomfukushima, 18 years ago

Owner: set to ronnielouie

comment:2 by rexszeto, 18 years ago

External ID: 939549

comment:3 by ronnielouie, 18 years ago

Andy, I have attempted to reproduce this, but it seems work for me. For clarification, here's what I am doing. I have a table in a MySQL database with lat/lon columns which I define as the geometry. I set the the coordsys for this to be LL84. The layer I create for this source is inserted into a map, which has a Lambert Conformal Conic coordsys (WORLD-LM-CONIC). When I view the map, the geometry from the MySQL layer is indeed transformed to the map coord sys. Can you confirm these steps? What else do I need or should be doing to reproduce the behaviour you are seeing?

comment:4 by amorsell, 18 years ago

I can't get this to work for me. I tried re-creating from scratch my ODBC data connection and the lat lon field geometry association, assigning LL84, and so on. Then, I created a layer from it and am able to preview the data fine. If I embed in a map from scratch, the map picks up the spatial extents correctly and everything lands where it should in LL space. But, if I reference this data in a Texas State Plane, NAD83, Central Zone, Feet map, the data is definetely not being transformed. I know for a fact that this worked fine in 1.2.0 beta 1 so I'm at a loss here.

If I view just my points layer and a U.S. states layer, both in LL84, reference the map to a NA-LM-CONIC coordinate system, the states boundary transforms, but the points do not.

Administrator shows that I'm using MapGuide Server (Version

comment:5 by amorsell, 18 years ago

I noticed some entries in the error.log that may be related: <2007-05-31T19:04:32> Anonymous

Error: An exception occurred in FDO component.

RDBMS: Data truncation error.


RDBMS: Data truncation error.

comment:6 by ronnielouie, 18 years ago

Have you tried the build? That is the official beta 2 build. I just tried using and could see that the points from MySQL layer did not transform to the current map space. After installing the, the points transformed as expected.

comment:7 by amorsell, 18 years ago

Is that build what is here?

This is where I downloaded the build that I installed, but maybe it has been updated since then? If not, how can I get the build?

comment:8 by ronnielouie, 18 years ago

Yes, that is the correct link for and yes it was updated.

comment:9 by tomfukushima, 18 years ago

Is this still a problem? Please close if there is no response by July 13th/2007.

comment:10 by amorsell, 18 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

This does appear to be fixed for both ODBC and MySQL geometry coordinate system overrides.

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