Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#1036 closed defect (fixed)

Oracle to Sdf join does not work

Reported by: bscott Owned by: brucedechant
Priority: medium Milestone: 2.1
Component: Server Version: 2.0.2
Severity: trivial Keywords:
Cc: brucedechant External ID:


Joining an sdf to an oracle feature class does not work. There is a nabble thread that discuss the issue

I need a GWS expert to validate that small patch

Bruno Scott

Change History (8)

by bscott, 16 years ago

Attachment: GwsJoin.patch added

comment:1 by brucedechant, 16 years ago

Cc: brucedechant added

comment:2 by brucedechant, 16 years ago

I tested Oracle (Primary) joined to SDF (secondary) using a single join key that was a string property and it worked. This was a Left-Outer 1-Many join.

Can you clarify if you are using a composite key for the join? What is the data type of the join property? Also, what type of join are you doing - Inner/Outer, 1-1, 1-Many?

A specific test case that shows this failing would be helpful as the test cases I have are passing.

comment:3 by bscott, 16 years ago

I have attached a small zip file that contains everything to reproduce. In the zip, there is an ORACLE folder that has SQL script to create and load the table in oracle. You will have to modify the LoadData.bat file to set the proper ORABIN et LOGIN parameters. There is also an SDF folder that contains the sdf. To reproduce

Create the SDF connection to the COMMUNE.sdf Create the Oracle Connection On the Oracle connection add a join to the SDF

Left Column : INSEE Right Column : INSEE_COMMUNE Type of join: Keep only left-side records Relationship : One-to-One

In the zip there is also a SHP version of the Oracle table. If you try the same join using the SHP table instead of the Oracle one, it works.


by bscott, 16 years ago

Attachment: added

by bscott, 16 years ago

Attachment: screenshot.gif added

comment:4 by brucedechant, 16 years ago

Owner: set to brucedechant
Status: newassigned

Thanks Bruno - I can replicate your issue now.

I have further optimized your patch by removing some unneeded code.

Could you please rerun your performance test to see if it improves your initial timings once I submit the update?

comment:5 by brucedechant, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

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