Opened 18 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#88 new enhancement

enhancements ideas for mapbender_setup

Reported by: Marko Owned by: mapbender_dev@…
Priority: trivial Milestone:
Component: installation Version: 2.4.2
Keywords: setup Cc:


-For the current mapbender_setup and the further development, it would be nice to have a version number at one central point, like the mapbender.conf.

like: #--------------------
#Mapbender Version
define("MB_VERSION", "2.5.0");

-The future mapbender-setup update function should get the required database changes from a historized database-changes file (txt,xml,json ...whatever?!) to update and the installed Mapbender

Algorithm Idea:
current version 2.4.0<->new version 2.5.0
=> create an update script from version 2.4.1 up to 2.5.0 from database-changes file ......

database-changes file structure:
<version>2.4.1</version> <change>CREATE TABLE layer_epsg_tmp AS SELECT DISTINCT * FROM layer_epsg;</change>......
<version>2.5.0</version> <change>ALTER TABLE wfs_conf_element ADD COLUMN f_auth_varname VARCHAR(50);</change>......

Change History (4)

comment:1 by christoph, 17 years ago

It would be nice to export the results to a text file, that you can post on the mailing list (when trying to find an error)

comment:2 by christoph, 17 years ago

Was ich meinte war, das man die Setup-Seite, so wie sie jetzt ist, auch als Textdatei exportieren können sollte, um sie auf Mailinglisten zu posten. Oft melden sich Leute mit obskuren Fehlermeldungen und geben keine weiteren Informationen. Von denen hätte man dann gerne schnell eine solche Textdatei, um das Problem einzugrenzen.

comment:3 by christoph, 17 years ago

Milestone: 3.0 release

comment:4 by astrid_emde, 8 years ago

Milestone: 3.0 release

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