Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#559 closed enhancement (fixed)

Handling of "jumping" TreeGDE

Reported by: frankjaeger Owned by: mschulz
Priority: minor Milestone: 2.6.1 release
Component: user interface Version: 2.6
Keywords: TreeGDE, Scrolling Cc: mschulz, christoph


Vertical scrolling with "Mouse Wheel" doesn't work, if the width of TreeGDE is changed by:


You have to position the mousepointer to the scrollbar on the extended right edge. But if you go 1 Pix to much to the right the "onmouseout" let collapse the width. You have to go to the left to catch the scrollbar, but another "onmouseover" happens and you have to go to the right again.

It would be great to enable crolling by Mouse-Wheel.

Tested with Firefox 3.5.5 and IE 7 on XP.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by astrid_emde, 15 years ago

Milestone: 2.6.1

comment:2 by mschulz, 15 years ago

Owner: changed from dev to mschulz
Status: newassigned

comment:3 by mschulz, 15 years ago

changeset:4998 should fix these issues. Currently tested with FF 355 on linux an windows.

enlargetreewidth (new element var for treeGDE2)

  • false (default): no enlargement of the div
  • integer value: treeGDE div is enlarged (widened) on mouseover by the given value and restored to its initial width onmouseout. The treeGDE div binds the mousewheel event on mouseover, thus scrolling within the tree should be possible and no mousewheel zooming of the underlying mapframe should happen.

This makes the onmouseover onmouseout gui attributes of treeGDE obsolete.

comment:4 by christoph, 15 years ago

Cc: mschulz christoph added


comment:5 by mschulz, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

just tested it also on IE8 - works, shows some flickering.

comment:6 by mschulz, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

reopened. needs more testing on IE.

comment:8 by marc, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed
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