Opened 15 years ago

#558 new defect

featureInfo Position

Reported by: frankjaeger Owned by: dev
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: user interface Version: 2.6
Keywords: featureInfo, Shift Cc:

Description ΒΆ

Changing from MB 2.5.1 to 2.6 I get very often empty results for Feature-Info-Requests. As far as I know, "tolerance" is a definition auf WFS and the Mapbender-Client can't change it.

We use: "TOLERANCEUNITS pixels / TOLERANCE 10" in UMN.

It seems to me, that I have to Click upper/left the Position to get a "hit". May be (compared to 2.5.1) there is a "shift" of some Pixels? With a small tolerance (10 Pix) I get not hit by trying to click in the mittle of the symbol oder label.

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