Opened 16 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#725 closed enhancement (fixed)

wxGUI: bind ctrl-q to exit

Reported by: hamish Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 6.5.0
Component: wxGUI Version: svn-develbranch6
Keywords: menu Cc:
CPU: All Platform: All



it would be nice if ctrl-q exited the wxGUI. (with are you sure? as per preferences)

I bits about just adding it as a "\tCtrl-Q" in the menu item label, but that doesn't seem to work (xml/i18n?).

in the code you can apparently do like:

 self.SetAcceleratorTable(wxAcceleratorTable([(wxACCEL_CTRL, ord('Q'), ID_EXIT)]))

but I've not figured out how to get that to work.

see (line 76)

... and other accels as useful. (Especially in the vDigit'izer)

thanks, Hamish

Change History (4)

comment:1 by martinl, 16 years ago

Cc: grass-dev@… added
Owner: changed from grass-dev@… to martinl
Status: newassigned

Please try r39019 (trunk) or r 39022(devbr6).


comment:2 by hamish, 16 years ago

Nice thanks.

feedback and now more wishes:

  • could ctrl-q work from when focus is on e.g. the map display too?
  • alt-r,v: a nice thing!
  • (but/yet), how about Alt-F for _File menu, Alt-C for _Config menu etc? (difficult due to i18n?) alt-r,v would then have to become ctrl-r,v.
  • this was proposed earlier on the list: in GRASS 5's v.digit there used to be keyboard shortcuts for most digitizing tasks. This is probably the most important area to have optional keyboard bindings and the most productive for a power user -- where there is serious amounts mouse-work involved in some repetitive task.
  • maybe a keyboard binding for the eyeball display button in the map display window. (since forever this has been ctrl-r in web browsers for reload, ctrl-shift-r for full no-cache reload)
  • Plain +,- for zoom in/out one step in the map display window? Plain "p" to switch mouse cursor into pan mode?
  • ctrl-c: This has many common meanings already, I would not use it for "close workspace". Ctrl-w is often used for that (close tab etc) so I'd suggest to use that. Then ctrl-c is free to Copy selection in the Output tab.

cheers, Hamish

comment:3 by martinl, 8 years ago

Cc: grass-dev@… removed
Owner: changed from martinl to grass-dev@…
Status: assignednew

in reply to:  2 comment:4 by wenzeslaus, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Original issue solved, so closing. I'm adding status of the other points raised for whoever is interested.

Replying to hamish:

feedback and now more wishes:

  • could ctrl-q work from when focus is on e.g. the map display too?

Not implemented, open another ticket if needed.

  • alt-r,v: a nice thing!
  • (but/yet), how about Alt-F for _File menu, Alt-C for _Config menu etc? (difficult due to i18n?) alt-r,v would then have to become ctrl-r,v.

Ctrl+Shift+R adds raster, so no conflict. Alt+R opens Raster menu in English (i18n versions may have different letter; translators need to keep & in there to make it work).

  • this was proposed earlier on the list: in GRASS 5's v.digit there used to be keyboard shortcuts for most digitizing tasks. This is probably the most important area to have optional keyboard bindings and the most productive for a power user -- where there is serious amounts mouse-work involved in some repetitive task.

This would be useful, but a list of those would be needed to get the implementation started. Please, open a new ticket if you are interested.

  • maybe a keyboard binding for the eyeball display button in the map display window. (since forever this has been ctrl-r in web browsers for reload, ctrl-shift-r for full no-cache reload)

Ctrl+R reloads in 7.4.

  • Plain +,- for zoom in/out one step in the map display window? Plain "p" to switch mouse cursor into pan mode?

Interesting, not implemented, open another ticket if really need.

  • ctrl-c: This has many common meanings already, I would not use it for "close workspace". Ctrl-w is often used for that (close tab etc) so I'd suggest to use that. Then ctrl-c is free to Copy selection in the Output tab.

Ctrl+W closes workspace. Alt+C (tr text bound) is associated with Copy and Close in module dialogs, so it does not work. Ticket and/or a simple patch needed.

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