Opened 14 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#12 closed defect (invalid)

wxGUI's 3D view - wxGUI's vector digitizer‏

Reported by: eljohn Owned by: hamish
Component: Grass Severity: normal
Keywords: python, wxgui Cc:


Recently I updated my grass version from ubuntugis-unstable repositories to (6.4.1-2~lucid2). After that in the "GRASS GIS Map Display" window the NVIZ and Vdigit options are missing. I'm ubuntu 10.04 - 64bits user. When I start grass -wx from the ubuntu terminal, in "GRASS command console" I get this message:

3D view mode not available
Reason: No module named lib.grass
Note that the wxGUI's 3D view mode is currently disabled on
MS Windows (hopefully this will be fixed soon). Please keep
an eye out for updated versions of GRASS. In the meantime
you can use "NVIZ" from the File menu.
Vector digitizer not available
Reason: No module named grass6_wxvdigit
Note that the wxGUI's vector digitizer is currently disabled
(hopefully this will be fixed soon). Please keep an eye out
for updated versions of GRASS. In the meantime you can use
"v.digit" from the Develop Vector menu.

I tried the package from ubuntugis-stable repositories and I get the same error.



Change History (2)

comment:1 by hamish, 14 years ago

Keywords: python wxgui added
Owner: changed from aboudreault to hamish
Severity: importantnormal
Status: newassigned


both the above are formed by the new ctypes replacement for SWIG, which are used for hooks into the C libs.

for whatever reason those two aren't being built or installed. I'll have a look into it in the DebianGIS's packaging git repo. (might be a few days)

as the message says, NVIZ is better for now if you use the Tcl/Tk version from the File menu, the wxNVIZ version is under further development right now as one of our Google Summer of Code projects. The wx vector digitizer should be ok though in 6.4.1. (I think, I can quite recall when we backported everything). But the tcl/tk based v.digit is available to use in the mean time, it works fine just isn't as pretty.

thanks for the report, Hamish

comment:2 by Bas Couwenberg, 8 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: assignedclosed

Apparently nobody handles Trac tickets any more, closing this ancient issue.

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