
Version 26 (modified by timlinux, 17 years ago) ( diff )


Welcome to the Quantum GIS Project Management Site

This site provides project managment support, bug/issue tracking, and viewing of the Subversion source code repository. For more information, see Using Trac with QGIS.

Report a Bug

Use the New Ticket button to report a bug. You must have an account and be logged in to submt a bug. But you should proably read Using Trac with QGIS for a brief explanation first.

Project Statistics

Project statistics and developer activity can be viewed at

Useful bug queues and Bug Triages

Raster Transparency Branch
0.9.1 milestoneBugTriage0.9.1 Bugs Closed against 0.9.1 Milestone
0.9 milestone
0.8.1 milestone

What is a bug triage? Its a short term focussed period of bug squashing. Click the triage links for more info.


If you have an account, use to login (https is required). If you want to submit bug reports or comments you need a login on this system. Send an email to gsherman at mrcc dot com or tim at linfiniti dot com to request an account. We prefer to reply using PGP encrypted email. When requesting an account, please sign your email with your PGP key.



Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.