
Version 11 (modified by gsherman, 18 years ago) ( diff )


Using Trac With QGIS

This page summarizes how to use Trac with QGIS and provides links to specific information about features and operating procedures.


Its important to login if you are a developer or intend to contribute code in the form of patches. If you just want to submit a bug you don't need an account. Use to login (https is required).

Email Notification

If you want notification of all issues and project events, subscribe to the Qgis-trac mailing list at

You can set your options to digest if you find the amount of email per day to be too large.


Tickets are used to report bugs, request enhancments, and assign tasks. Trac is more than a bug reporting system. Tickets can be associated with a QGIS Milestone, allowing you to see progress towards completion. Completion of a Milestone not only requires closing bugs, but completing other tasks releated to a release such as documentation, web site updates, packaging, and announcements.

Reporting a Bug

Before filing a bug, review the currently open tickets to make sure that you aren't creating a duplicate. If you have additional information on an issue, you can add it to the ticket.

To report a bug, choose New Ticket from the menu bar.

Important information needed when filing a bug:

  • Your email or username - If you have a login your user name will be automatically supplied. If not, please provide your email address so we can contact you for further information and follow-ups.
  • Type - choose bug from the drop-down list
  • Full description - Provide a full description of the problem including steps to repeat it
  • Priority - provide an estimate of the severity of the problem
  • Component - Choose the aspect of the application that is most closely associated with the problem
  • Milestone - If this issue affects a particular Milestone in the project choose it from the drop-down list
  • Version of QGIS this issue affects
  • Platform - Choose the platform you are using
  • Platform Version - provide the version of your platform. This may be a number or name. Here are some examples of Platform and Platform version pairs, separated by a dash:
    • Debian - Sarge
    • OS X - 10.4
    • Windows - XP
    • Fedora - Core 5

Color Coding

The background color of a ticket (bug, enchancement, etc) is color coded in reports by Priority:

  • blocker
  • critical
  • major
  • minor
  • trivial

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.