Google Summer of Code PostGIS Raster Ideas ¶
1) Implement write support for the PostGIS raster GDAL driver.
Mentor: Jorge Arevalo (jorgearevalo at or David Zwarg.
A GDAL driver allows reading/writing of raster (or images) data from/to formats like TIFF, PNG or JPEG.
The current GDAL PostGIS raster driver supports reading of PostGIS rasters objects from a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database but does not support writing. The project includes proposing a driver writer design and implementing it. You will familiarize yourself with GDAL-OGR development (one of the most used open source geospatial package), geospatial imagery concepts, open source development tools and code in C.
Might be able to reuse some logic already present in the packaged PostGIS raster2pgsql loader.
More information about GDAL PostGIS Raster driver here
Want more details? Check the OSGeo GSoC 2014 page or write to the PostGIS developer list.