Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of UsersWikiTIGERGeocoderToDo

Apr 14, 2009, 1:50:30 PM (15 years ago)


  • UsersWikiTIGERGeocoderToDo

    v1 v1  
     1= TIGER Geocoder ToDo =
     5 * Street Intersection Geocoding
     6  * Modify norm_addy structure accordingly
     7  * Update normalizer to look for intersection junction characters (ie: &), etc
     8  * New lookups based on intersections (or update existing to work with them)
     9  * Figure out the right geometry to return (point, but needs to be the right end of the segment, etc)
     10  * Update pprint_addy() for the norm_addy structure
     11 * No-address/block geocoding
     12  * Handle just-street lookups (ie: Main St, Boston, MA)
     13  * Return multiple rows the blocks (ie: 0-100 Main St, 101-200, etc) and midpoint for geometry
     14  * Fall-back to no-address geocoding when no match is otherwise found
     15  * Consider going to no-address when an exact street match exists
     16  * Adjust rate_attributes for it?
     17 * Fall back to street-type null if no street with the street type given can be found
     18  * Example case: "Laurel Hill" when the street is really "Laurel Hill Rd" won't ever be matched correctly because we think "Hill" is the street type and never look back.
     19 * Support different match-level requirements for a return
     20  * Fall-back to zip/city,state geocoding (default currently)
     21  * Require matching to the block (full-match)
     22  * Exact matches only (no fuzzy lookups)
     23  * Fuzzy lookups (street mis-spelling, etc)
     24  * Other options?