Changes between Version 133 and Version 134 of UsersWikiMain

09/07/19 13:58:02 (5 years ago)


  • UsersWikiMain

    v133 v134  
    6767== Examples of Spatial SQL ==
     69=== Finding Features ===
    6970 * [wiki:UsersWikiExamplesFindNearby Find Nearby Features]
    7071 * [wiki:UsersWikiExamplesFindNearbyLatLon Find Nearby Features in Lat/Lon (EPSG:4326)]
    7172 * [wiki:UsersWikiExamplesAntiNear Find Features far from nearest neighbor - Anti-Near Neighbor]
     73 * [wiki:UsersWikiExamplesInsidePolygon Find Features Inside a Particular Polygon]
     74 * [wiki:UsersWikiExamplesInsidePolygon2 Find points on interior rings within a certain distance to exterior ring]
     76=== Overlay ===
    7278 * [wiki:UsersWikiExamplesJoinTables Join Spatial and Non-Spatial Tables]
    7379 * [wiki:UsersWikiExamplesOverlayTables Overlay Geometries in one table with Geometries in another]
    74  * [wiki:UsersWikiExamplesInsidePolygon Find Features Inside a Particular Polygon]
     81=== Cleaning Geometry ===
    7583 * [wiki:UsersWikiCleanPolygons Clean Invalid Polygon Topology]
    76  * [wiki:UsersWikiExamplesInsidePolygon2 Find points on interior rings within a certain distance to exterior ring]
     84 * [wiki:UsersWikiExamplesSpikeAnalyzer Determining spikes in polygons]
     85 * [wiki:UsersWikiExamplesSpikeRemover Searching for spikes and removes them]
     86 * [wiki:UsersWikiExamplesPolygonOverlaps Function finding overlapping polygons in a table and removing sliver overlappings]
     87* [wiki:UsersWikiCheckInvalidGeometriesFromGeometryColumns Function to test all tables from GeometryColumns for invalid geometries]
     89=== Splitting Geometry ===
    7791 * [wiki:UsersWikiSplitPolygonWithLineString Splitting a Polygon with a Linestring]
    7892 * [wiki:UsersWikiSplitPolygonWithPoints Splitting a table of Linestrings by a table of Points onto or close to the lines]
     94=== Simplifying ===
     96 * [wiki:UsersWikiSimplifyPreserveTopology Simplifying a multipolygon layer, keeping existing connections between polygons (Not using topology extension)]
     97 * [wiki:UsersWikiSimplifyWithTopologyExt Simplifying a multipolygon layer, using PostGIS Topology]
     98 * [wiki:UsersWikiBufferCoast Illustration of the dilation/erosion technique for simplifying coastlines]
     100=== Creating Polygons
    79102 * [wiki:UsersWikiBuildPolygonsWithLines Polygonize / building areas from non-noded linework]
     104=== Generating Shapes ===
    80106 * [wiki:UsersWikiCreateFishnet Create a fishnet grid (rectangular cells)]
    81107 * [wiki:UsersWikiGenerateHexagonalGrid Generating a hexagonal grid]
    82108 * [wiki:UsersWikiComputeMultiCentroid MultiPoint centroids from Multi geometries]
     109 * [wiki:UserWikiRandomPoint Functions for creating random points inside a polygon]
     110 * [wiki:UserWikiDotDensity Function used for creating dot density maps]
     112=== Direction ===
    83114 * [wiki:UsersWikiCardinalDirection Determine cardinal direction from azimuth direction]
     116=== Linear Referencing ===
     118 * [wiki:UsersWikiExamplesInterpolateWithOffset Geocode a point along a line with a left/right offset]
     120=== Topology ===
     122 * [wiki:UsersWikiTopologyExample Shell script showing basic construction of polygons from linestrings using topology]
     123 * [wiki:PostgisTopology_Data_Model Schema explaining postgis topology data model]
     124 * [wiki:UsersWikiExamplesNetworkTopology Create a network topology from a set of noded linestrings]
     126=== Tools ===
    84128 * [wiki:UsersWikiOGR Examples OGR Examples]
    85  * [wiki:UsersWikiExamplesNetworkTopology Create a network topology from a set of noded linestrings]
    86  * [wiki:UsersWikiExamplesInterpolateWithOffset Geocode a point along a line with a left/right offset]
    87  * [wiki:UsersWikiExamplesSpikeAnalyzer Determining spikes in polygons]
    88  * [wiki:UsersWikiExamplesSpikeRemover Searching for spikes and removes them]
    89129 * [wiki:UsersWikiBatchLoadShapefilesForWindowsUsingShp2pgsql Batch Load Shapefiles with shp2pgsql.exe on windows]
    90130 * [wiki:UsersWikiExamplesOverlayTables2 Set of functions for spatial overlay of 2 polygon tables]
    91  * [wiki:UsersWikiExamplesPolygonOverlaps Function finding overlapping polygons in a table and removing sliver overlappings]
    92  * [wiki:UsersWikiCheckInvalidGeometriesFromGeometryColumns Function to test all tables from GeometryColumns for invalid geometries]
    93  * [wiki:UserWikiRandomPoint Functions for creating random points inside a polygon]
    94  * [wiki:UserWikiDotDensity Function used for creating dot density maps]
    95  * [wiki:UsersWikiSimplifyPreserveTopology Simplifying a multipolygon layer, keeping existing connections between polygons (Not using topology extension)]
    96  * [wiki:UsersWikiSimplifyWithTopologyExt Simplifying a multipolygon layer, using PostGIS Topology]
    97  * [wiki:UsersWikiTopologyExample Shell script showing basic construction of polygons from linestrings using topology]
    98  * [wiki:UsersWikiBufferCoast Illustration of the dilation/erosion technique for simplifying coastlines]
    99  * [wiki:PostgisTopology_Data_Model Schema explaining postgis topology data model]
    101133== Extending PostGIS ==