Changes between Version 130 and Version 131 of UsersWikiMain

05/22/14 05:25:18 (11 years ago)


  • UsersWikiMain

    v130 v131  
    5959== PostGIS Books ==
    6060 * [ PostGIS official manuals]  for all versions and for PostGIS JDBC driver.
     61 * [ PostGIS in Action (2nd Edition)] by Regina Obe and Leo Hsu - Covers PostGIS 2.1. Feature complete and available from Manning in draft form.  With early purchase you get draft updates and final (e-Book/Hardcover) when complete. E-book is generally 1/2 price of full.   All code and data downloads available for free on the book site even if you don't buy the book.  [ Chapter 1 (a primer on PostGIS )] are free downloads.
     62 * [ PostGIS cookbook] Covers PostGIS 2.0 and 2.1. Common real-world recipes for getting things done in PostGIS.
    6163 * [ PostGIS 2] by Jose Carlos Martinez spanish book covering new features of PostGIS 2. [ Table of Contents]
    62  * [ PostGIS in Action] by Regina Obe and Leo Hsu - It's out and available via various distributors including Manning Publications and Amazon. If you want just the E-Book, purchase directly from Manning.  The E-book is about 50% off the hard-copy price. With the purchase of Hard-copy, there is a free-coupon to get the E-Book version. Book includes PostGIS 1.3-1.5, PostgreSQL 8.3-9.0 (with upcoming highlights of PostgreSQL 9.1 and PostGIS 2.0).   All code and data downloads available for free on the book site even if you don't buy the book.  [ Chapter 1 (a primer on PostGIS )] and [ Appendix C (a primer on SQL)] are free downloads.
     64 * [ PostGIS in Action (1st Edition)] by Regina Obe and Leo Hsu - It's out and available via various distributors including Manning Publications and Amazon. If you want just the E-Book, purchase directly from Manning.  The E-book is about 50% off the hard-copy price. With the purchase of Hard-copy, there is a free-coupon to get the E-Book version. Book includes PostGIS 1.3-1.5, PostgreSQL 8.3-9.0 (with upcoming highlights of PostgreSQL 9.1 and PostGIS 2.0).   All code and data downloads available for free on the book site even if you don't buy the book.  [ Chapter 1 (a primer on PostGIS )] and [ Appendix C (a primer on SQL)] are free downloads.