Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of DevWikiWinMingW64_21

04/20/13 23:19:10 (12 years ago)


  • DevWikiWinMingW64_21

    v13 v14  
    22[wiki:UsersWikiWinCompile Back to Compiling in Windows]
     4If you want to get to the last step fast to immediately start compiling PostGIS without having to compile the dependencies,
     5you can download our prepared mingw64+msys build environment which you can download from  [] and for 32-bit (for PostgreSQL 9.2+ (32-bit 9.1 and below have to use old msys chain) []
     7== 1. Installing Minimalist GNU for Windows-w64 (MinGW-w64) ==
     8The mingw64 for build 32-bit binaries only works for PostgreSQL 9.2+.  There are changes they did in 9.2 that were never backported to 9.1 and below. So to compile PostGIS for 32-bit for 9.1 and below you need to use the regular old Msys instructions. mingw64 chain will work for 64-bit 9.0-9.3 and for 32-bit 9.2-9.3.
     10We will use MingGW-w64 toolchain instead of the standard MingW since it has support for both 32-bit and 64-bit compiling.
     11For this discussion we are using the binaries built for running on Windows. We haven't tried the builds designed for building windows binaries under ''Linux/Unix''.
     13Details of the prefixes of files can be found at [ What to download]
     15MingW-w64 site is []
    416There are issues with GEOS compile above 4.5.4 or so, in 4.6.1+, the make check crashes and so does
    517PostGIS tests when compiled with GCC 4.6+.  That said you should pick a build lower than GCC 4.6. We like GCC 4.5.4
    618Issues are documented in (also similar issue compiling Geos under windows 64-bit SDK )
    8 Also note, the mingw64 for build 32-bit binaries only works for PostgreSQL 9.2+.  There are changes they did in 9.2 that were never backported to 9.1 and below. So to compile PostGIS for 32-bit for 9.1 and below you need to use the regular old Msys instructions. mingw64 chain will work for 64-bit 9.0-9.3 and for 32-bit 9.2-9.3.
    10 If you want to get to the last step fast to immediately start compiling PostGIS without having to compile the dependencies,
    11 you can download our prepared mingw64 bit chains which you can download from  [] and for 32-bit (for PostgreSQL 9.2+) []
    13 == 1. Installing Minimalist GNU for Windows-w64 (MinGW-w64) ==
    14 We will use MingGW-w64 toolchain instead of the standard MingW since it has support for both 32-bit and 64-bit compiling.
    15 For this discussion we are using the binaries built for running on Windows. We haven't tried the builds designed for building windows binaries under Linux/Unix.
    17 Details of the prefixes of files can be found at [ What to download]
    19 MingW-w64 site is []
    2120 * If you are building for 64-bit Windows download the personal build from [] with name