Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#731 closed defect (fixed)

Raster is broken -- all functions involving raster/geometry

Reported by: robe Owned by: pramsey
Priority: blocker Milestone: PostGIS 2.0.0
Component: raster Version: master
Keywords: Cc:


This is again with gserialized enabled. As I recall all my raster tests were working before this. I'm not sure if this is related to the other issue I ticketed already.

All raster/geometry functions now seem to throw an — unknown geometry type: 256 - unknown error

SELECT ST_World2RasterCoordY(rast1.rast, ST_Centroid(rast1.rast::geometry)), ST_AsEWKT(rast1.rast::geometry) As ref1_geom,
	    ST_AsEWKT(foo2.the_geom) As ref2_geom
				ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster( 100, 100, (i-1)*100, (i-1)*100, 0.0005, -0.0005, 0*i, 0*i), '64BF'), i, (i+1),42949.12345),4326) As rast
		 		FROM generate_series(1,10) As i)
		 ) As rast1 CROSS JOIN ((SELECT ST_MakeLine(ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(i,j),4326),ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(j,i),4326))  As the_geom
		FROM (SELECT a*1.11111111 FROM generate_series(-10,50,10) As a) As i(i)
			CROSS JOIN generate_series(40,70, 15) As j
			WHERE NOT(i = j)
			ORDER BY i, i*j)) As foo2
					LIMIT 2;

Change History (2)

comment:1 by robe, 14 years ago

Owner: changed from pracine to pramsey

comment:2 by robe, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Looks like Paul's r6494 fixed this problem.

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