Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#674 closed defect (fixed)

PostgreSQL 9.1 aggregation error

Reported by: robe Owned by: pramsey
Priority: medium Milestone: PostGIS 2.0.0
Component: postgis Version: master
Keywords: postgresql9.1 Cc:


This only seems to fail in my 9.1 alpha1 build. I'm trying to think the last time I tested my garden tests on 9.1. I'm going to test my older binaries to see if they work or not and report back.


SELECT ST_Collect(geom)  As the_geom
		FROM (VALUES ( ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;MULTIPOLYGON(((-71.0821 42.3036 2,-71.0822 42.3036 2,-71.082 42.3038 2,-71.0819 42.3037 2,-71.0821 42.3036 2)))') ),
	( ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POLYGON((-71.1261 42.2703 1,-71.1257 42.2703 1,-71.1257 42.2701 1,-71.126 42.2701 1,-71.1261 42.2702 1,-71.1261 42.2703 1))') )
		)	As g(geom) CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,3) As i

On my 9.1 Alpha1 VC++ windows build fails with:

ERROR:  array_agg_transfn called in non-aggregate context

********** Error **********

ERROR: array_agg_transfn called in non-aggregate context
SQL state: XX000

I think its a bug in our code, because I can do this:

SELECT array_agg(1) As dummy_one
		FROM (VALUES ( ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;MULTIPOLYGON(((-71.0821 42.3036 2,-71.0822 42.3036 2,-71.082 42.3038 2,-71.0819 42.3037 2,-71.0821 42.3036 2)))') ),
	( ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POLYGON((-71.1261 42.2703 1,-71.1257 42.2703 1,-71.1257 42.2701 1,-71.126 42.2701 1,-71.1261 42.2702 1,-71.1261 42.2703 1))') )
		)	As g(geom) CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,3) As i

Change History (4)

comment:1 by robe, 14 years ago

Okay I just confirmed that this used to work in my 10/10/2010 build. Can someone confirm on their end this is an issue. It could also be because my mingw was compiled against PostgreSQL 9.1 alpha2 and my VC++ I'm using the latest build of EDB which is still at alpha1.

comment:2 by robe, 14 years ago

Keywords: postgresql9.1 added

comment:3 by robe, 14 years ago

This might be a false alarm, but I'll keep it open until EDB comes out with a alpha2 release or I get around to compiling PostgreSQL under native VC++ again.

I don't get an error under MingW when using postgresql 91 alpha 2. So it could just be because I was trying to use alpha2 postgis binaries against an alpha 1 build. The accum stuff we have hasn't changed in 8 months or so. For now I'll just revert to compiling against 9.1 alpha 1.

comment:4 by robe, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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