Opened 3 days ago

Last modified 3 days ago

#5867 new enhancement

Add documentation for Straight Skeleton with Point Touching Rings

Reported by: gravitystorm Owned by: pramsey
Priority: medium Milestone: PostGIS 3.5.3
Component: postgis Version: 3.4.x
Keywords: Cc: gravitystorm


I have recently found that CG_StraightSkeleton (and CG_ApproximateMedialAxis) will throw an error for certain valid geometries, specifically valid polygons with a point touching inner ring.

gis=# select st_isvalid(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((0 0, 3 0, 3 3, 0 3, 0 0),(0 0, 1 2, 2 1, 0 0))'));
(1 row)

gis=# select st_straightskeleton(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((0 0, 3 0, 3 3, 0 3, 0 0), (0 0, 1 2, 2 1, 0 0))'));
NOTICE:  During straight_skeleton(A) :
NOTICE:    with A: POLYGON((0/1 0/1,3/1 0/1,3/1 3/1,0/1 3/1,0/1 0/1),(0/1 0/1,1/1 2/1,2/1 1/1,0/1 0/1))
ERROR:  straight skeleton of Polygon with point touching rings is not implemented.

I think it would be helpful to mention this in the documentation for these functions.

This is in order to raise awareness of the limitation when a developer (like me!) is implementing the query, rather than it failing unexpectedly some time later with production data.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by gravitystorm, 3 days ago

Cc: gravitystorm added
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