Opened 13 months ago

Last modified 13 months ago

#5673 new defect

Case studies link broken on

Reported by: strk Owned by: robe
Priority: medium Milestone:
Component: website Version:
Keywords: casestudy, usecases Cc:


The URL is a 404 but is referenced by articles on the web, like from and is still information to retain.

How it looked the last time wayback machine saved it (Jan 26, 2022):

The content is still all in the repository, with category:casestudy:

content/news/2012/10-17_infoterra/ casestudy
content/news/2012/10-18_ign/ casestudy
content/news/2016/ casestudy
content/news/2016/ casestudy
content/news/2016/ casestudy
content/news/2016/ casestudy
content/news/2016/ casestudy
content/news/2018/ casestudy
content/news/2018/ casestudy

It just needs to be presented somehow and made accessible (via redirect, if needed) from the known URL

Change History (1)

comment:1 by strk, 13 months ago

In I made case studies available again under /casestudy/ - I'm still not 100% happy with the rendering as those cases are missing important information like the date they were written and maybe version of PostGIS, but the basic content is at least visible again.

Regina: is there an easy way to see the effect on staging ?

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