#5633 closed enhancement (fixed)
postgis_extensions_upgrade() breaks and signalize unbalanced parenteses in regex of regexp_replace function
Reported by: | hci | Owned by: | strk |
Priority: | low | Milestone: | PostGIS 3.3.6 |
Component: | upgrade/soft | Version: | 3.3.x |
Keywords: | upgrade extensions regexp_replace | Cc: | hci |
Description ¶
After apt upgrade Postgis 3.1.1 to 3.3.1 by apt pgdg bullseye repo, when we trying to use postgis_extensions_upgrade(), the instruction ' ALTER EXTENSION UPGRADE postgis TO "3.3.1" ' was breaked by a regex expression.
This issue occured for these versions:
PostgreSQL 13.9 (Debian 13.9-0+deb11u1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit
POSTGIS="3.3.1 3786b21" [EXTENSION] PGSQL="130" GEOS="3.9.0-CAPI-1.16.2" PROJ="7.2.1" GDAL="GDAL 3.2.2, released 2021/03/05" LIBXML="2.9.10" LIBJSON="0.15" LIBPROTOBUF="1.3.3" WAGYU="0.5.0 (Internal)" (core procs from "3.1.1 aaf4c79" **need upgrade**) TOPOLOGY (topology procs from "3.1.1 aaf4c79" need upgrade) RASTER (raster procs from "3.1.1 aaf4c79" need upgrade)
Both installed from pgdg bullseye repo.
Notice the messages 'need upgrade' indicating the need to run 'postgres upgrade version()' function.
This issue not occured for PostgreSQL 13.13, suggesting that the regexp_replace function was changed in this most recent PostgreSQL version.
We solved this issue for the PostgreSQL 13.9 by changing the regex expression at line 9869 of postgis—ANY—3.4.0.sql From:
pg_catalog.regexp_replace(rec.proc::text, '_deprecated_by_postgis[^(]*\(.*', '' );
pg_catalog.regexp_replace(rec.proc::text, '_deprecated_by_postgis[^(]*\(.*)', '' );
Just by adding the ')' to regex '_deprecated_by_postgis[^(]*\(.*)'
Change History (27)
comment:1 by , 16 months ago
comment:2 by , 16 months ago
strk I think the proper way to write this to not care about what the standard_conforming_strings setting is is force escape like so
So you need 2
s instead of 1 slash to escape the (
pg_catalog.regexp_replace(rec.proc::text, E'_deprecated_by_postgis[^(]*\\(.*',
With that, this query seems to work properly regardless if I have standard_conforming_strings on or off
SELECT pg_catalog.regexp_replace(rec.proc::text, E'_deprecated_by_postgis[^(]*\\(.*', '' ), proc FROM (SELECT oid, oid::regprocedure AS proc, proname FROM pg_proc) AS rec WHERE proname ~ 'deprecated_by_postgis'
comment:3 by , 16 months ago
Of course now I want some of our bots to run tests with standard_confirming_strings on and off … How can we inject this from the outside, so that not all bots behave the same ?
comment:4 by , 16 months ago
Bot work completed, once it shows the failure I'll push the fix: https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/postgis/postgis/pulls/167
comment:5 by , 15 months ago
There are a bunch of other issues with standard conforming strings off, like:
Loading PostGIS into 'postgis_reg' WARNING: nonstandard use of escape in a string literal LINE 4: FROM pg_catalog.substring(version(), 'PostgreSQL ([0-9\.]+)...
should we force them ON when installing postgis ?
comment:6 by , 15 months ago
Another example of issue:
WARNING: nonstandard use of escape in a string literal LINE 21: font_default json = '{
comment:7 by , 15 months ago
So: more non-balanced errors: https://woodie.osgeo.org/repos/30/pipeline/1651/11#L12454
psql:/woodpecker/src/git.osgeo.org/gitea/postgis/postgis/regress/hooks/use-all-functions.sql:54: WARNING: nonstandard use of escape in a string literal
comment:8 by , 15 months ago
Grrh I thought I had fixed the views and view functions, but I guess not.
I think it's okay to force on during install and upgrade, but not in running state, since function gucs do nasty things with the planner make it not allow things like inlining etc.
comment:15 by , 15 months ago
I've pushed fixes to both master and stable-3.4 branch but test coverage is not full:
- Master branch only tests a single testcase (regress/core/regress)
- 3.4 branch doesn't test standard_conforming_strings off at all
It may be a good idea to have both branches run all tests with all configurations, which would double the CI runtime unless we mix and match different bots to do different things. In 3.4 and older branches woodie and dronie share the same configuration, maybe I will backport the CI configuration from master to have better coverage.
comment:17 by , 15 months ago
3.4 is also tested now, backport to 3.3 will be last one and is being tested in https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/postgis/postgis/pulls/168
comment:19 by , 15 months ago
The test in 3.3 branch is running ALL tests with standard_conforming_strings=off and is catching more issues: https://woodie.osgeo.org/repos/30/pipeline/1673/10
I guess we could unleash all tests in 3.4 and master branches too, rather than (as we do now) restrict that test to the sole "core/regress.sql" file, would make sense
comment:27 by , 15 months ago
Milestone: | PostGIS PostgreSQL → PostGIS 3.3.6 |
Looking at this closer, I think it might be the standard_conforming_strings setting at fault here.
I can replicate the issue with the following:
Yields error:
By default, since PostgreSQL I think 9.0, standard_conforming_strings setting is set to on.
Can you do the following on your 13.9
I suspect it's off on your 13.9
At anyrate we should rewrite our check to work whether or not standard_conforming_strings setting is on or off.