#5578 closed defect (fixed)

restoring dump from 3.0: ERROR: function "st_approxquantile" already exists with same argument types

Reported by: strk Owned by: strk
Priority: medium Milestone: PostGIS 3.4.1
Component: build Version: 3.4.x
Keywords: raster Cc:


To reproduce:

regress/run_test.pl --raster --dumprestore --upgrade-path unpackaged3.0--:auto regress/core/regress 


ERROR:  function "st_approxquantile" already exists with same argument types

Signatures in dump:

1048; 1255 32929748 FUNCTION public st_approxquantile(text, text, double precision) strk
1047; 1255 32929747 FUNCTION public st_approxquantile(text, text, boolean, double precision) strk
1046; 1255 32929746 FUNCTION public st_approxquantile(text, text, double precision, double precision) strk
1045; 1255 32929745 FUNCTION public st_approxquantile(text, text, integer, double precision, double precision) strk
1044; 1255 32929744 FUNCTION public st_approxquantile(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision) strk

Signatures in generated skip list:

FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, boolean, double precision)
FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, double precision)
FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, double precision[])
FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, double precision[])
FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, double precision, double precision)
FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, double precision, double precision[])
FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, double precision, double precision[])
FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision)
FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision[])
FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision[])
FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, integer, double precision, double precision)
FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, integer, double precision, double precision[])
FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, integer, double precision, double precision[])
FUNCTION st_approxquantile(text, text, double precision[])
FUNCTION st_approxquantile(text, text, double precision, double precision[])
FUNCTION st_approxquantile(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision[])
FUNCTION st_approxquantile(text, text, integer, double precision, double precision[])

Change History (3)

comment:1 by strk, 17 months ago

Component: postgisbuild/upgrade/install
Keywords: raster added
Owner: changed from pramsey to strk

comment:2 by Sandro Santilli <strk@…>, 17 months ago

In 5a8528e7/git:

Propery drop st_approxquantile signatures deprecated in 3.1

References #5578 in master branch (3.5.0dev)

comment:3 by Sandro Santilli <strk@…>, 17 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In e5dd8a1/git:

Propery drop st_quantile and st_approxquantile signatures deprecated in 3.1

Close #5578 #5579 in 3.4 branch (3.4.1dev)

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