#5472 closed defect (fixed)
GEOS details seem wrong on demo.postgis.net
Reported by: | robe | Owned by: | robe |
Priority: | medium | Milestone: | PostGIS 3.4.0 |
Component: | QA/buildbots | Version: | master |
Keywords: | Cc: |
Description ¶
I haven't quite figured out what's up here.
When I build postgis on demo and install.
The config output shows this:
GEOS config: /usr/local/bin/geos-config GEOS version: 3.12.0 GDAL config: /usr/bin/gdal-config GDAL version: 3.2.2 SFCGAL config: /usr/bin/sfcgal-config SFCGAL version: 1.3.8 PostgreSQL config: /usr/bin/pg_config PostgreSQL version: PostgreSQL 16beta2 (Debian 16~beta2-2.pgdg110+~20230807.1057.ge8386b2) PROJ4 version: 72 Libxml2 config: /usr/bin/xml2-config Libxml2 version: 2.9.10 JSON-C support: yes protobuf support: yes protobuf-c version: 1003003 PCRE support: Version 1
But when it's running, it claims this:
SELECT postgis_extensions_upgrade(); SELECT postgis_full_version(); POSTGIS="3.4.0dev 3.4.0rc1-8-g0218f38fe" [EXTENSION] PGSQL="160" GEOS="3.12.0-CAPI-1.18.0" (compiled against GEOS 3.9.0) SFCGAL="1.3.8" PROJ="7.2.1 NETWORK_ENABLED=OFF URL_ENDPOINT=https://cdn.proj.org USER_WRITABLE_DIRECTORY=/var/lib/postgresql/.local/share/proj DATABASE_PATH=/usr/share/proj/proj.db" GDAL="GDAL 3.2.2, released 2021/03/05" LIBXML="2.9.10" LIBJSON="0.15" LIBPROTOBUF="1.3.3" WAGYU="0.5.0 (Internal)" (core procs from "3.4.0dev 3.4.0rc1-11-g9376923fd" need upgrade) TOPOLOGY (topology procs from "3.4.0dev 3.4.0rc1-11-g9376923fd" need upgrade) RASTER (raster procs from "3.4.0dev 3.4.0rc1-11-g9376923fd" need upgrade) (sfcgal procs from "3.4.0dev 3.4.0rc1-11-g9376923fd" need upgrade)
The fact it can't upgrade itself is also troubling. I'm wondering if it
Change History (2)
comment:1 by , 20 months ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
comment:2 by , 20 months ago
Okay I upgraded demo.postgis.net first to bookworm, but that only gave me GDAL 3.6.2.
So I went wilder, and upgraded to the not yet released trixie, and now we have GDAL 3.7.1
SELECT postgis_full_version(), version();
POSTGIS="3.4.0dev 3.4.0rc1-11-g9376923fd" [EXTENSION] PGSQL="160" GEOS="3.12.0-CAPI-1.18.0" PROJ="9.2.1 NETWORK_ENABLED=OFF URL_ENDPOINT=https://cdn.proj.org USER_WRITABLE_DIRECTORY=/tmp/proj DATABASE_PATH=/usr/share/proj/proj.db" GDAL="GDAL 3.7.1, released 2023/07/06" LIBXML="2.9.14" LIBJSON="0.16" LIBPROTOBUF="1.4.1" WAGYU="0.5.0 (Internal)" RASTER PostgreSQL 16beta2 (Debian 16~beta2-2.pgdg130+~20230807.1101.ge8386b2) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 13.2.0-1) 13.2.0, 64-bit
and look at the drivers available
SELECT ogr_fdw_version(); SELECT f.name FROM unnest(ogr_fdw_drivers()) AS f(name) ORDER BY f.name;
OGR_FDW="1.1" GDAL="3.7.1" -- 80 drivers with ogr_fdw extension, but sadly parquet is not one of them -- but at least GTFS is in there AmigoCloud AVCBin AVCE00 BAG CAD Carto CSV CSW DGN DXF EDIGEO EEDA Elasticsearch ESRI Shapefile ESRIJSON FITS FlatGeobuf Geoconcept GeoJSON GeoJSONSeq GeoRSS GML GMLAS GPKG GPSBabel GPX GTFS HTTP Idrisi Interlis 1 Interlis 2 JML JP2OpenJPEG KML LIBKML LVBAG MapInfo File MapML MBTiles Memory MSSQLSpatial MVT MySQL NAS netCDF NGW OAPIF ODBC ODS OGCAPI OGR_GMT OGR_OGDI OGR_PDS OGR_SDTS OGR_VRT OpenFileGDB OSM PCIDSK PDF PDS4 PGDUMP PGeo PLSCENES PostgreSQL S57 Selafin SOSI SQLite SVG SXF TIGER TopoJSON UK .NTF VDV VFK VICAR WAsP WFS XLS XLSX
Maybe I should just bite the bullet and compile GDAL too.
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I have no idea what happened here, but things appear to be good now.
1) I had forgotten to upgrade tiger_2022 which had the same issue with the broken function 2) I suspect maybe it was showing upgrade needed because I had compiled against the PG16 beta2, but the cluster was still at PG16 beta1.
Anyrate now this shows:
I'm going to after attempt to do a distupgrade to at least bookworm so I can get a decent version of GDAL. So many formats I'm missing like GTFS and Parquet cause this GDAL is so old.
And damn I thought we'd be running beta3 that just came out, so might need to wait another week.