Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 17 months ago

#5092 new enhancement

Stop filling up the disk with upgrade scripts

Reported by: strk Owned by: strk
Priority: medium Milestone: PostGIS PostgreSQL
Component: upgrade/soft Version: master
Keywords: Cc:


They are really too much:

[strk@c19:~] ls `pg_config --sharedir`/extension/postgis* | wc -l

And mine is a relatively new machine.

This ticket is a placeholder to bring the idea of having a single, unique upgrade script (one per *target*) upstream to PostgreSQL.

We're effectively having such single file upgrade since forever (before EXTENSION even existed).

Starting with commit [cff01033637ddcf984d12edbbecc9f70b0e4de4e/git] (3.3.0dev) the postgis_extensions_upgrade() effectively makes the ANY--<target> extension file the ONLY file required for the upgrade.

The loader/postgis script already did this as of commit [8ab82431e5b080ee0f65810afecd9028e2bc3744/git] (3.1).

We started installing that file with commit [04e8d00d8b55df69705c316fb2feecce23a29bfc/git] (2.5)

Change History (9)

comment:1 by robe, 3 years ago

Milestone: PostGIS PostgreSQL
Version: master

comment:2 by strk, 3 years ago

Proposal was sent to PostgreSQL to support wildcards on upgrade scripts:

PostGIS Devel mailing list proposal:

comment:3 by robe, 3 years ago

@strk just added it to PostgreSQL commitfest and I have made myself a reviewer

It's too late for PG15, but we can shoot for PG16

comment:5 by Sandro Santilli <strk@…>, 3 years ago

In 984383d/git:

Refactor extension upgrade mechanism

Install <version>—ANY upgrade paths

These <extension>—<version>—ANY.sql upgrade files will be symlinks
( or copies, on systems not supporting symlinks ) to an empty upgrade
template file named <extension>—TEMPLATED—TO—ANY.sql and be
overwritten by any future versions of PostGIS, keeping the overall
number of upgrade paths down ( see #5092 )

Presence of these upgrade paths will allow ALTER EXTENSION going
from any version to any other version by stepping by the fake "ANY"
version. This allows us to stop updating pg_extension table,
fixing #5194 in a more generic way.

Stop installing the "<version>—<version>next" and
"<version>next—<version>" as the same thing can be done by stepping
by the "ANY" version. Update script accordingly to use
ANY instead of "next" for self-upgrading newer PostGIS

Add support for installing missing upgrade paths in the postgis
commandline, to allow upgrading from newly-released stable branches
to previously-released feature branches.

Include NEWS entries

comment:6 by strk, 2 years ago

I'd be happy to close this out once the install-extension-upgrades-from-known-versions make target stops being run by default when install is run …

comment:7 by Sandro Santilli <strk@…>, 2 years ago

In dfb471d/git:

Add —disable-extension-upgrades-install configure switch

The switch disables automatic install of extension upgrade
scripts, giving a message at the end of make install as to
how to manually deal with those.

References #5092

comment:8 by strk, 20 months ago

New upstream commitfest item is in here:

comment:9 by strk, 17 months ago

Component: build/installupgrade/soft
Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.